Billions of Planets with Life?
by Iamallcool 11 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting stuff.
I wonder if any of them will have anything to do with us entering the Photon Belt, the Age of Aquarius, and/or December 21, 2012. We will have to wait and see--however, I will not bet my life on it.
I wonder if any of them will have anything to do with us entering the Photon Belt, the Age of Aquarius, and/or December 21, 2012.
What Photon Belt might we be entering that we have not always been in before?
I wonder what God is thinking about, perched atop Alcyone B, up in the Pleiades Star System right now?
I wonder what God is thinking about, perched atop Alcyone B, up in the Pleiades Star System right now?
I wonder what God is thinking about, perched atop Alcyone B, up in the Pleiades Star System right now?
Probably thinking about how to trick Jim Kirk out of the Enterprise so that he could blast around the Galaxy for some new scenery.
[quote]Ever noticed that all the instruments searching for intelligent life are pointed away from earth[/quote]
Best comment!
And let us wait till August to see what Mars will unveil to us.
i joke that when you think about how massive and infinte the universe is, star wars is likely going on somewhere. lol star trek too.