One thing I might try if I had that kind of loot would be to offer to buy my parents a new home, car, and give them a generous living allowence if they both turn in letters of disassociation...Money talks. Another thing I thought about would be to try and buy as many parcels of land situated next door to kingdom halls and open a chain of strip joints.
So What Would You Do If You Won $550,000,000?
by Mary 55 Replies latest jw friends
If I won such a huge amount of money, first I wouldn't give any of it to any Christian or Jewish churches or synagogues. They don't deserve it. Even if it was 550 quintillion silver dollars, the churches wouldn't see any of it.
The first thing I would do (assuming I got it while it still had purchasing power) is to spend some $20 million on real estate, businesses, and packing costs and then get my butt to New Zealand so I wouldn't have to worry about the United Tyranny of Stupidity taxing me to death or the witlesses finding me and dragging me back to the Kingdumb Hell or to Nigeria. As much of the remainder as possible would be put into precious metals--with that kind of money, I would do about 50% into silver (which I think is going up the most), another 40% into gold (the most stable store of wealth), and the remainder into platinum, palladium, and rhodium. Perhaps I would buy some other stable commodities as well, so I could hedge the dollar becoming worthless.
At that point, rather than blowing it all, I would now have my stash of silver and gold to use as I needed. When the tax bill comes due, I might be able to open a tub of silver and pay it with a few rounds. A new car might cost a couple of tubs of silver--I would probably drive the price way up by buying so much. And I think the thought of opening another monster box of silver might make me think twice before wasting it all.
I would be philanthropic with half of it. and live very nicely on the rest. I would buy a house in California and one in the Florida Keys, and enjoy the variety of both places. One of my charities would be to set up a halfway house for ex JW's kicked out on the street by their family, to help them restart their lives and have a safe place to stay.
What would I do if I won $550 000 000. Id probably be like "HOLY S@&T! I JUST WON $550 000 000!!!" or do you mean what would I do with the money?
wha happened?
well three winners
Donate it all to the good ol' watchtower society...