What's Your Status? Are You Technically Still A JW?...

by minimus 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • NVR2L8

    Inactive, returned from the 2010 District Convention and never went back to a regular congregation meeting. Since, I attended a funeral and a wedding...the same way I would if they were held in a Catholic Church. I told my immediate family I will never return, but deep inside I think they are still in denial since I always was the "strongest" JW of the family. My sister thought I was depressed but when she visited with my COBOE brother, I told them that I have never been happier and for the first time in 50 years I finally enjoy life...that I would chose death over returning to the slavery...

  • minimus

    NAMBO, great to see you here!

    I too am inactive but I hear that there are some that are hopeful I might return like the Prodigal Son. Haha

  • Flat_Accent

    I am nothing, because I never wrote a letter, and I was not baptized.

    In my own opinion, I am disassociated/apostate because I don't hold to any of their teachings. And I've had plenty of discussions with my parents about my take on Biblical Literalism/Evolution etc. so they know what I think.

  • av8orntexas


    Going to a foriegn language hall and moving to another area helps tons. When you fade from foriegn language alot of them assume you've gone back to english and alot in english assume you're in foriegn language.

    Tie in that you may have moved, no one really knows where you're at. This is essentially what happened to me. Except a lot of JW's work at the same company as me and I see them from time to time. I usually give them some BS answer as to the meetings or whatever for those who don't know my status.

    Nambo, I'm a full believer that regarding the JW's....Out of sight, out of mind.

    You could be dead somewhere, but I don't think many really care. A few,but overall most don't. IMO and experience.

  • sspo

    Same as av8.....went to a Spanish cong. faded and never heard from anyone.......32 years in......inactive since 2007 and enjoying it every minute of it.

  • ruderedhead

    After a long fade, I DA'd myself last month. Puzzled as to whether the announcement has been made, as I have been visited 2x this past month by some from the congregation that shares the hall I went to. Memorial invitations, but they were very friendly & talkative. One couple neeeded to use my facilities. I might mention it if they ever come back.

  • blondie

    I'm at work, but there is a statement in the WT that someone that does not preach the kingdom (as the WTS interprets it), they are not one of Jehovah's witnesses.

    I haven't "preached" their dogma for 11 years.

    *w57 2/15 114 - **Being one of Jehovah's witnesses means more than saying, 'I am one of Jehovah's witnesses.' Are you witnessing? Regularly? All physically able have the responsibility to preach publicly and from house to house, as did Jesus, and in addition take advantage of all opportunities to witness to friends, neighbors, etc., while the physically infirm are privileged to witness to visitors, write letters, make telephone calls, and in other ways share in giving the mighty witness. Without exception each witness of Jehovah is aware of his obligations in this regard, as set out in Ezekiel 3:17-21. If one does not witness, he is not one of Jehovah's witnesses. To call ourselves witnesses of Jehovah and then to refrain from witnessing, which is ministering, would be taking Jehovah's name in a vain or worthless way. Never may that happen, and it will not so long as a proper view of the ministry is maintained.

    *w59 12/1 722 -
    **All who are counted as Jehovah's witnesses are active preachers of the good news meeting the Biblical standard of morals, since an inactive Christian or one not meeting the standard is not a Christian at all. He is not a witness for Jehovah.

    *w67 1/1 11-12 - **If you call yourself a Christian, you should be doing what Jesus did or the disciples did. The early Christian congregation showed zeal for God and his kingdom and walked in Jesus' footsteps.

    *w84 6/1 22 - **Even though you may have specific times set aside to share in certain features of the witnessing work, a dedicated servant of Jehovah should be praising him in word and deed at all times. Are you doing this? Jesus' early followers were spoken of as belonging to "The Way." (Acts 9:1, 2) So they were not serving God only a few hours a month. Their service was a way of life! Are we like the first-century Christians if we are irregular Kingdom publishers who rarely engage in witnessing activity? Can we rightly call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses if we say little or nothing to others about our hope?

  • Phizzy

    I am a fader, come totally faded. I am an inactive non-attender, still got a personal invite to the Memorial, so not entirely off the radar, how I wish I was !

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    According to to the borganization I'm labeled as an active baptized witless.

  • lostinthought

    I am an active JW on the outside, but on the inside I'm soooo far gone from their faith...It has taken time but i'm far less active then I use to be, so maybe i'm on my way to becoming inactive...

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