I was reading the article posted in slimboyfat's thread: Mormons decline because of internet, ( http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/31/us-mormonchurch-idUSTRE80T1CM20120131 )
Former Mormon church reseacher, Ray Briscoe was quoted: "I have never been associated with an organization that changes as fast as the Mormon church. I don't think God was ever against blacks in the priesthood. We just had to grow up enough to accept it." As for gays -- "it will get there, in my judgment."
The thrust of the "gay" part of that article had to do with the church's stance on political issues. Politics is not something the WTS is likely to get involved with. I also doubt we'll ever see a gay marraige at the local kingdom hall.
The thing that got me to finally leave the JW's was not necessarily their stated position of "hate the sin/love the sinner". I made it clear to the JC that I believed they got the gay thing wrong, was waiting for the ban to be lifted, and was willing to remain celebate in the meantime just so I could be in Jehovah's organization. The thing that put me out the front door of the JW camp were the unwritten rules that absolutely apply against gays; the reality that exists on the ground, not the feel-good side notes in Watchtower articles that ocassionally remind the brothers to play nice even with people who disgust us.
Being an openly gay JW will keep you near the center of the gossip machine, marked, shunned (while still active), joked about, "don't touch my kids", insulted with limp-wristed gestures toward you in the field service car group... oh how the list could go on. The hierarchy paints this horrible picture about all the despicable things gay people ARE, that their "play nice with others" message falls flat.
The Mormon church seems to be learning a lesson here. Do you think the WTS has the wherewithal to do the same?