My daughters house burned down and her and her husband and three children got out with just the jammies on their back. When her husband called his parents ( dad is elder and both parents are Regular Pioneers) the next morning, they told him they were sorry that they were unable to come and help as 'big wig' Brother, Head of the Branch had just died and they were going to be with his grieving wife and son!?! It's been a week now and they are still a no-show as they are too busy with their Bible Studies and service to even see their son and three grandchildren. Now that's what I call the height of hyporacy! A truly Christian attitude, putting "dead important Brother" and bible studies before their own son and his family who are left with no worldlly possesions, home including their cars. This precious family is now under my care in my home, they are my "fine china' who I treat with gentle loving care, not like "paper plates" that are so easily discarded by super christian parents who are more interested in putting kingdom interests first......
My Daughters House Burned Down
by Babyruth 22 Replies latest jw friends
Wow. Just wow. She and her family are so lucky to have you.
What a great story to remind us of what comes first with the Dubs.
I swear I'd call the local newspaper and tell them about this (put under the "socially speaking" section/SOMETHING!) --- no, i think i'd call o'reilly on fox news -- call anyone to get this news out there. What a loser religion -- furthest thing from xtianity and makes me sick.
Band on the Run
Typical. My father's brother-in-law was a coal miner, too. He died in his thirties from tuberculosis. His youth and personality were outsized. The whole mining town was deep in grief. My father visited the town to play gossip. He was a no show for the funeral. When asked how he could this to his sister and very young niece, he commented let the dead bury the dead. He went out in service work instead. Maybe this would not attract attention in a large city.
I've never seen such a sense of community in the UMW. People for surrounding towns had to hear this one.
His sister actually spoke to him.
Thank goodness they have you. I was in agonizing pain for about 25 years. My younger sister never telephoned or sent me a get well card. Sometimes I wonder if no concern for others is genetic.
You can be generous or skimpy. Frankly, I feel better being generous. I send flowers and offer to pay for a meal as much as I can afford. It makes me feel good.
Think About It
The JW cult is so like an ant colony. No matter their claim of being true Christians, their cult work activities take priority over the personal tragedies or needs of the individual workers. This cult eats their old and wounded.
Think About It
still thinking
I'm awful
That is really shocking. I am so pleased they have you to help them out. Thankfully they are all safe and well.
Its astonishing how heartless cult members can be.
Are your daughter and son in law faders or inactive or DF'd/DA'd?
Stories like this where they put some part of the Watchtower Kingdom first ahead of an actual crisis or important family matter just make me sick.
I posted before about some friends of my wife that are siblings and their other sibling just suddenly died. They did not go home to comfort their elderly parents because they had already bought travel tickets to attend a district convention in another location.
It's just sick, I tell you. But you already know that.