So there I was enjoying Saturday Kitchen, when I hear a rattle on the door. I open it and who should I see but the same JW from last time, and she brought a friend with her.
In her hand was the Memorial invitation, and she asked if I would come. I said no. My words obviously didn't travel far, because she asked me again 2 minutes later. I had already explained to her last time that I had been a Witness for 19 years and both my parents still attend meetings. She then asked if she could leave the leaflet with me .
Something from last time did stick, however. Upon my refusal to take her invite she asked me again about Evolution. We didn't go into much detail but she decided she would send some guy called 'Steve' over to talk with me. "He believed in Evolution too". I assume by 'believe' she means, 'thought it was right but never looked into it until he read our BS orange brochure'.
So now I'm expecting another knock next week, and I'm sure this sister will be putting down an extra RV on her report this month.
Do I answer the door?
If so, what should I ask this mysterious Steve character?
Your thoughts are much appreciated.