Maybe next year...
by ex360shipper 13 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe next year...
Crap, is it that time already??
I gotta crawl back into bed...
Good one!
Hmmm, I think the WTBTS didn't get the memo.
damn you ex360!!
LOL!!!!!!! You funny apostate you.
too soon; I'll be dead before that happens....first they have to close down all the other branches and liquidate those assets.
Society files for bankruptcy, yeah, I'm sure we all fell for that one, especially after so many postings of them being one of the largest real estate and publishing companies on the planet.
Good one ! We may have been doubtful, Shirley, but we just had to have a look, just in case it was true.
I thought the next bit was going to say "Governing Body receives New Light, they must go and live in Tax Haven"
(makes sense, that is where the funds they have salted away are)
Oh, come on Shirley, I'm just having fun!
Besides, being HUGE doesn't mean you can't go bankrupt! Enron, Circuit City, Borders, Maybach, Blockbuster, even Reader's Digest, a HUGE publishing company filed bankruptcy.