what does it meanin matt 19: 29,does it mean actualy leaving your family or does it mean leaving what they beleive to follow what you beleive,so your family casts you out othere life, or your casting them out of yourswhat does it realy mean.
Hello Bella15, in my opinion this is one of the tougher scriptures in the Bible to understand. What it means is that what Jesus was doing was GOING to separate families because he was asking everybody to act like him. To act contrary to falsehood, which was considered the bona fide truth at the time. Whenever families separate because of truth the blame always falls on the shoudlers of the ones who allowed contention to come from their own desire to cling onto customs of the past.
A good modern example would be the topic of homosexuality. Many parents pre-reserve their feelings about it and choose, even before they have children sometimes, that they will disown their child if they ever got into homosexuality. When the time comes when the child of that parent musters up enough strength and courage to come out with the truth about themselves, they are cast into a ditch that has been pre-dug for them. At that point the blame for the family schism lies soley on the shoulders of the parent, not the child. Logically, even when homosexuality is regarded as a sin, the Bible is about loving everybody anyway. Love for child would impel the parent to make the best of the situation with an honest attempt to learn.
Sticking up for truth, not matter what, always leads to choosing sides, which leads to broken relationships.