Could it be that the bottom line on this is that they may be really wanting to just quit having the District Assemblies every year? And, of course, quit having any regularly scheduled assemblies that are too big for the properties that they own?
I just remembered a rather hilarious interchange at the overseers school - some trainee overseer and old Albert Schroeder. The overseer asked what the purpose was for those huge assemblies (like Yankee Stadium) in the 1950s, and if they would ever do it again. He also asked if such things were even scriptural...
Shroeder hemmed and hawed around on it, finally pontificating in a deep voice - "Well, the Bible SEEMS to indicate that Jehovahs People would gather together in GREAT NUMBERS from time to time, so perhaps the Society will do this again..."
My school partner that I was rooming with whispered to me - "Right. So, WHERE does the Bible SEEM to indicate this???"
People in this school were getting a little sick and tired of the air of superiority that Schroeder always tried to push on them.