Watchtowers on the ground...watchtowers on the ground...looking like a fool cause watchtowers on the ground!
by Joliette 18 Replies latest jw friends
lmao... there titles are getting to ridiculous no wonder there mag's are always on the ground on the bus stops or subways.....
Vanderhoven7 thank you very much.
I lol'd off the thread title alone! that song will be in my head all day now.
^LOL same here girlfriend!
I'm going to start taking pics now----before I destroy and dispose in a safe place which is my usual plan of action. The start of a great art project.
bottom of a birdcage would also be appropriate!
I wouldn't even waste film (or these days, digital storage) on any wtbts publications.
I see publications at the used merchandise stores like Goodwill or Texas Thrift whilst looking for some books to purchase.
I usually turn them around 180-degrees so that their spine is on the inside, and the pages outward. That way, no one can read the spine and see the title.
If I spot the mags in a business or laundromat, I will do my best to snag them and rip them into thirds. One lesson that I larnt at those boring meetings... 3 for emphasis. Hence... rip - rip - rip. Three times. Then toss into the nearest waste bin.
Jim TX
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb