idiotic Facebook discussion between two witnoids

by tresdecu 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    Sorry about all this, was using IE9....just downloaded Chrome. Hope it works now, or I give wasn't even that interesting...gosh!!!

    SIS. 1: Maybe... it's because I was raised in the truth that I find it incredibly strange that people don't think for themselves...or think at all. I had no idea it was St. Paddy's today, until I got to work. One customer tells me she is off to celebrate, but, she has no idea why or what. So, I asked two more people if they knew what St. Paddy's day was about or why they were " celebrating" it. They had no idea either! Everyone just seems to copycat what everyone else does. ..

    SIS 2: Yeah, understand. I was explaining to a girl that we don't celebrate valentines day and why. She had no idea, just always celebrated everything. Kinda sad to just do things and not even know what you are doing.

    SIS 3: It is sad. The world allows others to dictate what they are going to do and they don't even question it. They do things just because everyone else does it.

    Quotes I found very ironic: "...incredibly strange that people don't think for themselves" HAHAHA REALLY LOOK IN THE MIRROR

    "Kinda sad to just do things and not even know what you are doing." OMG

    "allows others to dictate what they are going to do and they don't even question it" ALWAYS ABLE TO POINT THE FINGER AT OTHERS

    sometimes I think I am taking crazy pills

    Sorry about the blank posts


  • Magi
  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    @tresdecu: "WITNOID".... Love the term by the way, not seen it before.

    In physcology when we veiw things as always being someone elses fault......It is known as having "VICTIM PERSONALITY DISORDER"

    ....."allows others to dictate what they are going to do and they don't even question it" ALWAYS ABLE TO POINT THE FINGER AT OTHERS

    Witnoids are a Classic case Study

  • UnConfused

    Witnesses aren't the only group to not "think for themselves", obviously. I think it behoves each of us to reflect.

  • 00DAD

    Kinda sad to just do things and not even know what you are doing.

    Like believing that people born 99+ years apart could be of the same "overlapping generation"!

    One "Overlapping Generation" Or shunning someone and not knowing why except because the elders said so. Shunning
  • Morbidzbaby

    Stuff like this annoys me. They use all these terms to describe "worldlings" and yet, they themselves are guilty of the same exact thing. How many know the history behind their own religion? They can tell you the history of holidays and birthdays why they are oh so bad, but they can't tell you a damn thing about how the JW's started, who Russell was, who Rutherford was (found this out when I tried talking to my mom about it...her response to Rutherford's teachings was that she didn't know who he was and he obviously didn't have holy spirit ...and that some of the ones on the Governing Body were apostates, so maybe he was one of them) idea about the UN, Mexico and Malawi... NOTHING. They believe what they are told and "follow the herd". Just as they hypocritically accuse others of doing.

  • ShirleyW

    I must say that IE9 never fails to give me my laugh of the day. It kills me to see 3-4-5 blank posts in a row, absolutely hilarious.

  • garbonzo

    @Morbidzbaby If they had just watched the DVD release, they would see a few cherry pickings of what the WTS just wants you to know. That is just ignorance to not even the DVDs if you are in the religion.

    @00DAD Not the Elders. The Elders are only doing what the WTS says to do, don't crucify the messenger. The WTS tells jdubs that they are somehow "loving" anyone they shun, because it will help them come back to "the truth" and get saved. As we know only JWs will be saved at Armageddon....

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