given that the printed word is forever and cannot be erased do the writers get into trouble for the embarassment they cause ? every mistake results in someone today or tommorrow or nnext year and so on losing faith which is a disasyer for the org. how do they hope to control these errors and prevent them from happening in the future.? do the writers get into trouble for these embatrrassments ! ? why dont the writers leave after they see their own midtakes even though they claim to be messengers of god?
what happens to wts writers who write mistakes in printed pubs
by mP 21 Replies latest jw friends
Ummm.... They turn into "Old Light"? Dunno... just guessing.
I'm sure nothing happens to them, it's all edited and proofed before it's I would imagine almost a dozen people had read it before it goes to print.
Yeah... Nothing happens at all. Just like 1975. It just keeps getting brighter and closer to the corner.
seems a bit dumb to not punish them in some way, after all their mistakes cost the wts members. if the same bad writing staff is allowed to continue, they will keep making mistakes which costs more embarrassment and losses. no coach would keep players on field who screwup and cost them games and $$$
I Heard they Punish them by having them each do 8 million hours of Field Service and then they have to give Sponge Baths to all the Old Farts in Bethel. No Happy Ending there.
It becomes an over-lapping blame game. I thought it was what you said - over and over
I think they become members of the Governing Body. If you screw up 2 or more prophecies, you get to be chairman of one of the committees. ;)
Evidently, they get promoted to natural resources management at the farms--
They get sent on a missionary assignment to the Middle East.