STD's and Baptism

by NewChapter 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    IT WAS THERE. There was plenty of data. No excuse for that article

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I know of at least one KH that has alcohol gel dispensers at the entrance and a request to clean hands with it on entry.


  • Glander

    Hand sanitizing with alcohol gel is a good thing, especially in places where people interact, hospitals, day care, schools, etc.

    Aids would be impossible to contract in a typical chlorinated pool unless they make butt fucking a part of the baptismal ritual.

  • baltar447

    I remember an Elder (asshole, didn't like him at ALL). He said the husband confessed to adultery, was reproved and told them he had AIDS or HIV. They said they could NOT inform the innocent mate.


  • NewChapter

    I thought it was mandatory to tell the innocent mate---so she/he could decide if they were going to forgive it. OH, maybe that's just the wives that must inform the husbands. I knew a wife that confessed, and they wanted her husband in there immediately. It wasn't even an option. They still df'd her, although the husband forgave it, but she didn't want to stay.


  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Us witlesses aren't too learnt or edumacated, we no understand anything and are scared of everything.

  • heathen

    If they are that worried about it then maybe they should put on a scuba wet suit ? Well I get the worried about aids thing since I will not let anyone in my house that has it . I haven't heard anything about herpes being transmitted without sex involved . I remember whenever the swine flu was going around they would be walking around with hand sanitizer in the KH.

  • blondie

    I mentioned to the elders that not everyone knew if they were HIV/AIDS positive. They had bought supplies to clean up only after jws they knew or judged were positive. They freaked out knowing I was right, that everyone was suspect, even the elder who used a hanky every time he used a door knob. These same men so careful in this area, could not see the need to protect children at the KH from known pedophiles.

  • Scully

    I also remember an article stating that if someone is HIV positive, they should voluntarily agree not to go to book studies in people's home, attending the hall instead.

    It's a shame they don't expect the same of child molesters.

  • NewChapter

    Yeah---and that's the thing. Many people don't know themselves when they have it---and yet---nobody is just picking up HIV from seats or doorknobs. Taking such silly precautions even gives a false sense of security. For instance, if someone is bleeding, they should ALWAYS be treated as if they can pass something on. They are careful in hospitals with everyone. That is just common sense.

    But by their lack of information in that article, they perpetuate myths that protect no one. The notion that only a promiscuous person could pick up the disease. Irresponsible. And instead of setting the record straight, they basically tell people to just deal with it. It's fine to tell individuals that they need to be patient with people that are afraid, but it is inexcusable that they did not, at the same time, try to clear up the misunderstandings, thereby reducing the need for such patience.

    AND ANOTHER thing---this is really private business. It seems they are pressuring people to tell their medical conditions to everyone. So that those people can decide how much contact they would choose---even if there is no chance of transmission. The fact is, you may think you won't let someone with HIV in your house, but you'll probably never really know that.


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