Hi friends, this will be my first Easter and I would like to make it memorable. I have a 9 year old son. Any ideas?
I would like some ideas on celebrating Easter
by umadevi 14 Replies latest jw friends
Nothing more fun and memorable than dressing up & going to an Easter egg hunt in your community. Kids remember that kind of stuff for the rest of their lives.
An Easter basket with his favorite candy/chocolates and perhaps a small toy.
I'm buying a bunch of easter stuff for the apartment's egg hunt. I'm going to Gehenna with a smile on my face!
skip it. teach your kid not to be a mindless consumer of goods and ideas vomited upon him/her by a brain dead consumer/zombie society.
Go out and have an actual good time doing actual stuff instead of doing what your told.
finally awake
We are going to color eggs and have an egg hunt. I am also making them Easter baskets.
When I was a poor little Catholic girl living with troubled parents who wanted to try (actually they just drank too much), we had Easter baskets that my mother saved every year in the attic and brought out to refill with candy every Easter. She wrapped them with colored celophane and a ribbon and she hid them. I remember one year mine was in the dryer. It was really special.
Thank you for all your comments. I appreciate them.
I usually put up decorations with eggs and rabbits. Those colorful eggs you get at the supermarket, sometimes filled with candy, are nice to put out. You can put them out in a scene with grass, with a few stuffed rabbits and an artificial tree. Terry's Village has some Easter ornaments you can browse through, and I recommend the ones with the eggs and rabbits. Pastel colors are what defines the original Easter before the Catholic Church corrupted it.
And you can hold your Easter egg hunts. Those colored eggs are fine to hide candy or small toys in, and hide. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, we used to just put the candies right out there. In today's "everything needs to be perfectly safe and sanitized" era, you are more likely to see those big marshmallow eggs wrapped in cellophane. Putting them inside the plastic eggs should solve the problem with roaches, pets, and small children getting into them. Egg coloring kits are also widely available, and you can decorate your own. Using regular food coloring is also possible. Dye will get through the shell, and the egg should be hard boiled before attempting to color them or the dye will wash off while boiling. These eggs are best kept in the refrigerator and not hidden at room temperature, though many have hid them and are still quite alive today.
Those of you who are Christians can add your favorite crosses, lambs, and church events to the mix. Also, if you already regularly go to church, your church will have more ideas.
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
If your son hasn't been able to celebrate before, just doing any activity that makes him feel included with other children will be great.
However, lots of chocolate, sugar and ham won't hurt either.