On another note I was thinking: How would have Jesus reacted if some of his disciples would have passed on the offer of wine and bread thinking that they were not worthy or that would snob his offer? Or can you image Jesus saying to some who attended that they were not invited to partake of the emblems, that they are not invited to be part of the kingdom?
Are You Ready for The Memorial?
by OnTheWayOut 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Juan Viejo2
Tonight around Memorial time I will be celebrating in my own way:
Wheat Thins crackers (unleavened bread)
Willamette Valley Pinot Noir (the holiest of red wines - and I plan on drinking at least two full glasses).
I am definitely not one of the Watchtower's "anointed" - so I'll move all flammables away from my seat in front of my wide-screen TV - just in case lightning passes through our second floor and incinerates me.
I'll be enjoying my Memorial celebration while watching "American Idol" - far more entertaining and uplifting than a trip to the local Kingdom Hall.
I know - because I went to the Memorial last year just for the hell of it. What a total waste of my valuable time.
NiceDream, thanks so much for the cartoon. I watched it, and by doing so I attended a virtual memorial! It was just like the real thing too! I can't wait to tell my family that i attended a virtual memorial via the Internet, Jehovah's new teaching tool! Loved it, right down to the blurb about leaving the KH quickly for a new service.
p.s. I drank a Michelob Ultra and ate some corn chips. I expect to go to a Mexican restaurant in St. Louis when I die.