Is that the same Guardian that created those Ruper Murdoch phone hacking hoaxes ? Damn i hate those british papers they have no shame, first Mr Murdoch and then the Watchtower two highly respected honourable members of the publishing community.
Answer I got to the UN association.
by Inisc 41 Replies latest jw friends
Is that the same Guardian that created those Ruper Murdoch phone hacking hoaxes ? -mP
No the Guardian is the antithesis of Murdoch's empire.
I remember going to an assembly (in Australia 2004 or 2005?) where a member of the GB was speaking. He mentioned WT UN membership in front of 60,000. He said something to the effect of someone had accused the organization of being a UN member, and that it was only to gain access to the UN library resources.
No one seemed to even question it. The only thing I heard was something about apostates creating "these stories".
why would they join the un just for a library card? i know the story is absurd and untrue, but to excuse the action w/ something so pathetic is really sad. its equally sad ppl dont realise how pathetic the lie,double standards and excuse.
why would they join the un just for a library card?
That's what I always though mP. Surely any information the UN holds (from the Society's perspective) would be propoganda/lies anyway?
excellent link Avengers
I guess my question to this 'un association - for a library card', is...
If they needed access to the UN Library so they could 'research' for articles... where are the articles? Show me where the wtbts actually used information gleaned from the UN library. Provide dates and quotes, and everything that would back up their (wtbts) actually using the information from the UN library.
The problem is, I am thinking, is that they (wtbts or any jw) can't.
I may be wrong, though. Perhaps someone here has seen actual watchtower or awake articles where they provide references or bibliographies in the articles. All I am going on is from when I used to be a jw - long long ago, and far far away... very rarely did they actually print quoted material references.
(If they did, it was usually very vague.)
Jim TX
wha happened?
This was one of the examples to me of how the WT gets it's hand caught in the cookie jar, and yet all it has to do is come up with an excuse, any excuse, and the rank and file just buy it. When this was going down, I kept thinking, "No this is different, it's too obvious that the WT lied." But reality and fantasy with these people just blend to suit it's individual purpose. 1st it was claimed it was untrue, then they needed the card access escuse, then it was that they are no longer an NGO, and all of those excuses at the same time were true.
This really showed me how a cult mentality works
Since it keeps coming up on this thread, I'm reposting the following in reference to the WT's excuse for their NGO affiliation with the UN of supposedly needing it to obtain a "library card."
Compare that "explanation" to the fact that, if any R&F JW went to the YMCA merely to go swimming, they would be labeled an apostate and summarily DF'd, and then we get a sense of the incredible hypocrisy going on here!
- "In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization. He is not simply paying for something he receives, such as when buying things being sold to the public at a store. (Compare 1 Corinthians 8:10; 10:25). Nor is his membership merely an entry pass, as when a person buys a theatre ticket. Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called "Christian" association would amount to apostasy." - w79 1/1 p. 31 - Emphasis added.
This is a text book example of hypocrisy.
I could tell the difference at the meetings and the answers given. It was no more condemning the churches of christiandom as a harlot , BTW they are listed as one from what I understand , to, well our religion is simply more genuine . Some answers about the scarlet beast were simply it was a political power and not the emphatic UN answer you would expect. Glad I took the time to investigate here locally .