ICSA (The International Cultic Studies Association) are holding a special event in London in April 2012 which may be of assistance to ex SES members and/or the families and friends of ex and current members. The cost of attending is between £30 - £40.
Founded in 1979, the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is a global network of people concerned about psychological manipulation and abuse in cultic groups, alternative movements, and other environments. ICSA is tax-exempt, supports civil liberties, and is not affiliated with any religious or commercial organizations.
Special Event – London, April 21, 2012, 10:00 – 5:30pm Sharing Experiences to Assist Others Throughout the day there will be specific discussion sessions where there will be opportunity given (if you wish) to share parts of your story, to assist others in similar situations such as former members who are more recently out of their groups, and those with loved ones, such as adult children, siblings or parents, in cults and sects. These sessions will be led by the key speakers and Rod Dubrow-Marshall, Kathy House, and Cathy Page.
Light finger buffet lunch and refreshments provided When Saturday April 21st 2012: 10:00 – 5:30pm Key Speakers Mary Candler: Life story of the impact of cult membership on family relationships Ben Davidson: Life story of growing up in Christian Science with a particular focus on how his mother’s death led to him instigating eventual change in Christian Science nursing homes and schools. Rod Dubrow-Marshall Linda Dubrow-Marshall: Enhancing your wellbeing: a way forward Gillie Jenkinson: Former-members for former-members: a chance to speak out Kathy House Cathy Page Chrsitian Szurko: Supporting families to dialogue with current sect members: restoring relationship with siblings, parents or children in a sect.
Who should attend? Former members and those with loved ones, such as adult children, siblings or parents, in cults and sects (open to everyone). Where Baden Powell House: Conference Centre 65-67 Queen's Gate, London Register http://www.icsahome.com/infoserv_respon ... egform.asp