Not pagan at all......... enjoy sipping on a gods blood and chomping on his bones .............
The origins of the ceremony...
by snare&racket 11 Replies latest jw friends
Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
Not cannibalistic either!
Some of you must hurt for the damage the WTBS caused to your families. That's ok. You are free to grieve.
Loz x
Wizard of Oz
"eat,drink & be merry, for tomorrow you may die"
Go happy.
Loz x
de·lud·ed, de·lud·ing, de·ludes
1. To deceive the mind
Keep it up, everyones buying it ......... mental, totally mental lol.
"The idea of human sacrifice has its roots in deep prehistory, in the evolution of human behaviour. Mythologically, it is closely connected, or even fundamentally identical with animal sacrifice. Walter Burket has argued for such a fundamental identity of animal and human sacrifice in the connection of a hunting hypothesis which traces the emergence of human religious behaviour to the beginning of behavioural modernity in the upper Paleolithic (roughly 50,000 years ago)."
wha happened?
when did the current ritual get established? Was there a WT where the current way was established?
I would be interested too Wha, I have a gut feeling that even before the Noo Light of 1935 some did not partake at the Mem? I could be wrong on that.
wha happened?
I'd read the opposite, that some who thought they shouldn't did, and then later recanted with the 1935 announcement. Either that or it was just made up and no one thought they really shouldn't partake
Ohhh.... thy holy lucky dip.... who amonst us are so special for Jehooha to visit and pour out holy spirit (he promises this is not his holy semen, ever since the Mary incicdent he has held back his godly urges)... ahem yes... erm...... pour out holy spirit with a promise of a grand gift.....
"You, my beloved, my chosen few..... YOU alone shall drink a sip of cheap red wine from a local corner alcohol store, whatever is on offer or BOGOF so the elder may enjoy a little red wine for did you know it is good for the soul... Oh I covered that in my autobiography.. where was I..oh yes.... AND eat crunchy bread with all the tasty goodness removed, made by the local congregations super-spiritual housewife, old sister Judgesalot... enjoy this privelage for it is yours alone.... oh yeah and you will be a king in Pleiades...... its a shit job, not much judging to do with an infinity of well behaved fun-duh-mentalists... but trust me [wink,wink] its an honour! You will get to see my gem covered throne, its real sparkly... also you will be a special fish in a small pond, people with think you are chosen, special, spiritual, mental.... but ignore the latter, they are not kings and would never understand anyway.... unless you are actually mental in which case, stop drinking my sons bloody blood n eating his bones you freaks! Yeah I am talking to all you Russians....And so I conclude this announcment [brought to you by Colgate, now with tasty flouride] by anointing you with a "weird, but nice" feeling that will leave you totally sure and confident you are anointed... kind of like a "warm feeling" or a "feeling of peace".... yes these are all descriptions used by other humans because all humans feel them, but just trust me you are special and you will tell everyone just how special you are, and that you must be accepted as special and yes 99% will say you have mental/emotional problems...but you know you are special... tell everyone ! Okay..... good bye now... take care... dont forget to keep in touch.... also YES I do watch you, even when you are on the toilet... I see you smoking!.... lol.... god blesses ya... bye."
Then he dissapeared into a puff of smoke...... "puff"
Then the deluded person is left with the urge to forever consume lots of wine.....It all makes perfect sense.
Snare x