I remember more then just "2" classes of Christians inside the Congregation.
- the elders and their family. Super doo-gooders whose family we watched and chuckled at their every mistake.
- the young men who handled the microphone and put out the chairs. They were respected for their awesome work and dedication to Jah. After all, a woman couldn't do those hard jobs!
- the old folks who survived decades in the Truth, watching their lives and friends slip away.
- the "non-elder" clouded families. They were there every week, but there were some "rumors" as to why the husband wasn't elder material. Drinking, abusers, etc.
- the single women/mothers and kids. They were the lowest. Always walking in late, couldn't keep kids under contol. And, the women were just "too pretty" or wore skirts a little too tight or neck lines a little too low. Hated by elder's wifes and clouded family wives alike
- the pioneers. Super poor. There to make you feel guilty as you drove away in a nice car. But, when you got to know them, you realized how messed up they were. Their need for the Truth was usually driven by their past problems.
- the teenagers. Everyone 'hoped' they turned out right (no college, pioneering, get married super young/quick if they had any sexual urge to even put on makeup or wear heels). And, the men licked their chops waiting for the girls to turn 18.
- the kids. Screaming to the back of the Kingdom Hall, "Jehovah, HELP ME!" Followed by wailing out of the bathroom, while everyone chuckled and nodded approvingly at the mother/father who was doing Jehovah's will. All of this took place, of course, while the speaker had a talk about how Jehovah's Witnesses don't go to war becuase they don't believe in violence.
I'm sure there are more "classes" of Christians.