Just wondering for those that go forcefully or want to twist the knife, so to speak... that would be funny to watch... ;)
Anyone have the balls to eat and drink this year and record it for all to see???
by sinis 10 Replies latest jw friends
Ooooh, I just might. I'll already be plastered anyway.
No. Not really. Not because of belief but only because of the belief of those for whom this is their life. I'll get plastered with my own wine at home. Just say'n.....
What would be accomplished? It would just strengthen the JW's belief that all apostates are idiots..give them a good laugh.
What's the difference between an apostate and a partaker? Most R&F JWs view partakers as demented or mentally unstable. That's the reason remaining 144,000 is increasing, not decreasing. The only difference they'll say hello to an 'anonited' person.
I think inviting a bunch of alcoholics wd be funnier.
A lot of the JWs I knew were borderline alcoholics. Why do you think a lot of congs use grape juice instead of wine?
I saw a video a couple of years ago. The partaker was giddy. Seemed silly to me.