Question for Dogpatch (Randy): What will it cost to produce the new 16-page Watchtower & Awake?

by Alfred 52 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Iconoclast

    So who is benefiting from all this money? Where is it going? I don't see GB members in mansions and stuff. I really want to know who is getting the bankroll from the profits these guys are making.

  • Sapphy

    Iconoclast - you're right, the GB members don't have mansions or genuine 'millionaire' lifestyles. It took me ages to accept what Randy has been saying for years, but all the money, all the contributions, kingdom hall remodelling scams are all for one purpose:

    The primary purpose of the organisation is the survival of the organisation.

    I believe everything the society does is to ensure the organisation survives. They will cut the printing business to the bone, they will 'simplify' or cut any department that makes a loss.

    Personally I think the 'Service' dept is next on the chopping block now they've lost their protector Ted Jarez. Watchout for simplified Circuit Overseer arrangments, declining special pioneer appointments etc. I think there used to be an unwritten rule, or expectation, that if you had completed 30 years in full time service i.e. circuit, district, special pio or missionary you could be taken into bethel for your old age. That arrangement will dissapear due to healthcare costs if it hasn't already.

  • Sapphy

    BTT - some good aditional stuff from Randy on here.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Profit is of the utmost importance. WHY?

    Every corporation has shareholders and the corporation has a fiduciary responsibility to said shareholders; meaning a corporation has a legal liability to make money for its shareholders.

    So someone somewhere IS benefiting, we just don't know whom.

  • therevealer

    Sapphy said - The primary purpose of the organisation is the survival of the organisation. I cut and paste it here cuz that is the au fait de complete.

    Where they are today is the result of 100 years of "stuff" and the decision makers of today are stuck with it. Way back when they said that "this generation" will not pass away and today they are forced to come up with new light to deal with that stupidity.

  • agonus

    It may sound a bit recursive, but it's true... The organization exists for the sake of the existence of the organization.

  • Alfred

    Thanks Randy. Their Billion Dollar Brooklyn sell-off reminds me of when I had to make the tough decision to dig into my 401(k) to pay for necessary expenses. They're basically taking out a loan from their own assets and paying themselves back in the form of newer facilities in Warwick, New York... I'm just not sure that these new facilities can be easily flipped at any time in the future given their remote location. But at least they'll have close to a billion dollars in cash when all is said and done... on the other hand, a billion dollars can dissapear rather quickly when you're running a worldwide empire under false pretenses... time will tell.

  • diamondiiz


    Soon some charismatic leader(s) within the WT will rise up and draw away crowds, it always happens.

    Somewhat curious to your vision of how this would come about?

    As far as I know, GB members don't have money, or access to wts assets so any division on their part might leave them with nothing and that would not be a beneficial split for any one member.

    JWs follow wts more than "A" leader, so any one member who would try to push themselves above others would probably be taken down in a hurry. Lawyers or/and accountants might make sure of that, as these groups are highly educated and know the money flows and legal issues, I doubt they work for wts for free. I see those two groups more in control than GB themselves.

    The only way I would see the "split" maybe if the government somehow was involved, and then a leader would rise and few would follow him through the chaos of fallen wts.

    Curious to hear your speculation on how this scenario would come about.

  • Dogpatch

    Hi Diamond,

    I'm not saying a charismatic leader(s) would try and take over Bethel or get any of their money or property. They are making sure that won't happen.

    They just form their own sect and if attractive enough, a lot of JWs would come and start contributing, especdially in the beginning. New cults are always fun!!

    All you have to do is rent a building for two nights a week, or start with home studies. Easy as pie in their eye.

    Then apply as a religion and get non-profit status. I went through the process, but not for a religion. It's super easy, but takes an attorney usually and abvout 9 months to finalize.


  • Balaamsass

    Great thread.

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