I will also point out that there is a new party, the Twelve Visions Party, out there. That party believes that the government is only there to protect its citizens from initiatory force, threats of force, or fraud. They would also do away with any part of the government that doesn't have anything to do with this--including your welfare (and obstacles to starting a business, hence hard workers wouldn't need welfare) and food stamps. Charities would still operate that take care of legitimate situations where people are poor (disability, for instance). Social Insecurity would cease to exist--you could invest whatever funds you choose in whatever vehicle you choose (silver, stocks, or both).
And religion would starve to death. The Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions in the country would stop operating--they couldn't initiate force, threats of force, or fraud to get new members. With that out of the picture, their members would quit (or the churches busted for hell threats). The witlesses would be out of business, banned for their death threats. You would have atheists and Devil worshipers pointing out the fallacies in the LIE-ble and Quran, and the religions couldn't fight back because all they have is hell or death threats (both banned). True, they would still do business in other countries. But, any religion that moves into this country under Twelve Visions would have to ban initiatory force, threats of force, or fraud among its leaders (particularly among its leaders) or they would be banned. Hence, none would ever survive.
I also predict that the party will be getting next to zero votes because the Jewish owned media (and you can check that out for yourself using any good search engine) would silence them. Zionists would have it in their best interests to make sure such a party never gets off the ground--because they, like their cousins Christi-SCAM-ity and Islam, have only initiatory threats (death and/or hell threats) and fraud to use on people. The media would portray things like welfare being cut off as Armageddon, and horrify people about legalizing drugs and prostitution. Already, I have seen fundamentalist Christian groups making a stink about gay marriage--just think what those media will do when their whole religion (and banks, medical system, energy and transportation systems, and food system) all go kaput.