Hi! I went to a local Catholic Church on Good Friday with a Catholic friend. I observed that there was a lot of rituals involved. I am interested to know why you choose this religion. Thanks.
Catholics! Why did u choose your religion?
by umadevi 17 Replies latest jw friends
Ummm...didn't chose...My great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great.....................great grandparents great grandparents were born into the Catholic religion. Which third world country are you from?
anezthy - I didn't mean it in a bad way. The local Catholic Church here were crowded with converts. Which is why I wanted to know the reasons for choosing this religion. Sorry if you are offended.
Sorry umadevi... just feeling overwhelmed. My apologies to you.
Our family was Catholic when my Dad decided to leave and join the JWs. All of us were baptized as babes. I never made my first communion because I was too young when we left. Don't remember much about going to the Catholic Church. A few years after I was df'd from the organization, my friend asked me to go to some Church classes with her. I agreed to go just to get out of the house. I had always been told about how dumb the priests were so I thought I would see for myself. After a few months of studying with the priests and others, I began going to Mass. I found the priests and a woman who also attended the classes, to be very intelligent and knowledgeable people.I really got into the studies. I did find the Mass to be ritualistic. I also found that when you go, you go to praise and worship not to prove that what you believe is right and everyone else is wrong. I feel relaxed at Mass. They are also very supportative people. When my husband, who was not a Catholic died at a Catholic Hospital, the Social worker,who knew I was Catholic, sent a Nun to come see me. She put me in contact with the priests I had studied with and the priest helped me make arrangements for a Catholic Priest to conduct graveside sevices for my husband. I had him buried at our hometown, thousands of miles from where we were now living. They helped make everything smooth for me. In contrast, when my 30 year old brother-in-law died the elders refused to have anything to do with his burial because he had been df'd for smoking.His parents,his wife and most of the other members of the family were jws in good standing. My husband had to ask a worldy preacher friend to conduct his brothers sevice.I guess that's why I chose them. You have to have some support in this world!
panhandlegirl - Thanks for sharing. I had a pleasant time getting to know the people there, they were friendly. I noticed too that they were from all walks of life.
i like the answer , you're born in . You don't really choose it as I don't think anyone does since being of the irish , italian type , the catholic church was the first of my religious experiences , they do christen you as an infant and your family expects you to remain one .
Catholicism isnt one religion it is by definition the big soup encompassing all religions.
After leaving the JWs I attended a number of religious services before converting to the Episcopal (Anglican) Church. Also known as Anglo-Catholic or Catholic Lite. The Anglican Mass is similar to the Roman Catholic and while the JWs would call it useless ritual I find it helpful in satifying my spiritual needs. But don't the JW also have useless rituals like door to door Watchtower and book sales? Moreover, most of the people in the Anglican Communion are genuine and their love and support of others is not conditional like the JWs.
My wife is a Russian Orthodox Christian and I've attended Orthodox services with her. I've found that Orthodoxy has just as many, if not more rituals than the Anglican Church. But again the people are very loving and genuine.
I should also mention that when I travel and can't find an Anglican or Orthodox Church, I've attended Roman Catholic services and have been warmly greeted. The priest even allowed me to take communion. All he asked of me was: "Are you separated from your pastor? Do you believe in the Divine Presence?" When I answered yes to both questions, he said I could take communion. Nothing was asked about the FDS or if I believed that Jehovah is using the Watchtower as his visible organization.
If you were baptized only as a JW, can you take Communion? I was thinking about going to an Anglican Church tomorrow to see what it's like. Do you have to give money too?