My Bull Necklace

by TOTH 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Lol, zid, that's so admirably evil.

  • ziddina

    Hee hee!!

    I do my best - er, worst...

  • talesin

    LMAO at you guys/gals!!!!!


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Talk about de-railing a thread. Sorry TOTH!

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Morbidz, you have a pm.

  • TOTH

    I think the horns are imitation ivory.....

  • TOTH

    Oh about the idols! We went to a bookstudy and the brother and sister who had it in their home had all kinds of ancient Egyptian statues and stuff in the living room. No one said anything to them either.

    King Tut and Anubus stick out in my memory...

  • ziddina


    That's cool, TOTH! Were they actual antiques, or reproductions??

    And about your bull necklace - are the horns made of a faux-ivory???

    D'oh!! I must be getting tired... Brain not working so well, right now...

  • TOTH

    Ziddina I believe they were just reproductions. Like something you might get from Pier One Imports or something. Some of them were used as book ends for theocratic literature too. LOL

    Oh it's spelled Anubis...The god of the afterlife...The one with the head of a jackal...LOL

  • LV101

    great pendant/neck piece! amazing what Avon used to sell and read/heard yrs. ago some of their pieces are collector treasures and worth a lot but don't know. was dragging thru an antique shop one day w/friend and there was an awesome red ring but they wanted way too much for it. it was red/carnival glass (i think although they told me it was something else) and maybe set in sterling silver --- should have bought it.

    your piece might be worth something.

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