
by zeb 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zeb

    Do any witnesses go hunting? what are you thoughts and feelings?

  • Scully

    Yep. I know and am related to some who do. Fishing too.

    Personally, I'm not a fan of hunting and fishing for sport. My dad gave up hunting (but not fishing) when he converted to the JWs, but it was a lifestyle he grew up with. He felt, once he became a JW, that shooting animals and the possibility of not bleeding them correctly would make the meat inappropriate for JWs to consume and showed disrespect for life. My take on it was that he was guilted in to giving it up because one doesn't just go hunting for a couple of hours - trips would sometimes take 2 or 3 days - which meant missing Meetings™ and Field Service™. My brother and his FIL don't seem to have the same pangs of Conscience™, and they are both Appointed™ Brothers™ in their Congregations™. I don't know how much of what they bring back is used, but I don't see my SIL allowing a big moose or deer skin to decorate her home - I think they only use the meat.

    I won't eat venison or moose or rabbit or other game animals, and I'm not even keen on eating game fowl or fish that has been baited and hooked. But really there's barely any difference between hunting wild game and slaughtering a farm animal. I wouldn't be able to eat a chicken that I had to kill, but I know JWs who raise chickens for their eggs and then kill them for their dinners.

    I guess I prefer to think that chicken, fish, steaks and bacon come in neat little packages from the supermarket. It keeps the messy and uncomfortable business of animal slaughter out of sight and out of mind.

  • TOTH

    I had a cousin who did. But he also wore a BEARD so his hunting may have been frowned uponas well. I know that it was frowned upon by the jw's in Albuquerque.

  • cantleave

    I don't understand hunting for sport. Why?????

  • Conan The Barbarian
    Conan The Barbarian

    Hunting is okay to do if a JW. The support is a scripture where Jacob aske that some wild game be brought to him for a meal.

  • Phizzy

    I am with you Cantleave, though my offspring may not agree, huntin' shootin' and fishin' being part of their lives, but I have always let them make up their own minds, I will say, they do it for food, not only sport. They eat what they shoot, lets hope they pick their targets carefully !

    Some years ago there was aQFR on this, a sister went over it with her teenage son, and said "so you understand son?" he said "Yes I understand the answer", and promptly went off with his fishing rod ! She had the sense to see this as his right, and laughed about it when she told me.

    At the same time an Elder came back from holiday in Sweden and Norway and told me they took no note of the WT's stance and he joined a bunch of Bros and they all went hunting and fishing together ! Tee Hee.

  • ex360shipper


    Hunting for sport brings a negative view to many, like some bloodthirsty game from a movie. Most hunters consider themself "sportsman" from the time and effort they put into perfecting what they do. In many areas, hunting helps with population control which is beneficial to the animal kingdom and humans. Left unchecked, in many areas the deer population for example would explode and there would not be enough food or space for them to live healthily, and it would actually harm their numbers.

    I enjoy hunting, but probably not like someone who never hunts would understand. I go sit in the woods as quiet as possible an hour before sun-up and many days I go out I will spend hours in the woods and see nothing. Or I only see very young deer which I will not take. It gives me a lot of time to get in touch with myself, away from all the hustle and bustle, just sitting alone out in the woods.

    Anything I hunt has been for food for myself and others. The meat is healthier than anything that is raised on a big commercial farm, and it also had a much better life than any of the meat from animals we buy at the store. If you have not researched it, you would be shocked at the conditions of farms and slaughterhouses where meat is prepared for us to buy.

  • designs

    The Presiding Overseer who studied with me back in the early 60s was All Navy Pistol champ in WWII, taught my brother and I how to shoot on his ranch in Colorado.

  • JeffT

    what ex360shipper said.

    The friend who introduced me to the JW's (he converted a year before I did) was an avid hunter. After I was baptized we shared an apt and went hunting all the time. I think lots parts of the cong disapproved. However one time an elder, two other brothers and I went elk hunting for several days. Didn't get anything but we had a great time camping.

    Some of you might like my brother's book "How Sportsmen Saved the World" (E. D. Thomas Jr) He shows the relationship between hunters and modern conservation and hunting regulations. It's an interesting read.

  • blondie

    Yes, they do, and fishing and the CO better not schedule a visit during deer season, because the elders will not be there. Don't plan the circuit assembly that week either.

    *** w07 12/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    How should a Christian view hunting and fishing?

    The Bible does not condemn hunting or fishing. (Deuteronomy 14:4, 5, 9, 20; Matthew 17:27; John 21:6) Still, Christians who hunt or fish need to consider several Scriptural principles.

    God permitted Noah and his descendants to kill and eat animals, provided they bled the animals before eating them. (Genesis 9:3, 4) This directive emphasized that animal life should be respected as having originated with God. Thus, Christians do not kill animals merely for sport or for fun and with wanton disregard for life.—Proverbs 12:10.

    There is an additional aspect involving our attitude. The apostles who were fishermen were likely gratified by a good catch. Yet, there is no indication that they bragged about their prowess at fishing or hunting or that they went fishing or hunting to compete with others, to prove their manhood, or to have the thrill of the chase, the fight, or the kill.—Psalm 11:5; Galatians 5:26.

    Thus, we might ask ourselves: ‘Am I an example in showing respect for Jehovah’s view of life? Does hunting or fishing dominate my thinking and conversation? Does my way of life reflect the hunting culture, or does it show that I am a minister of God? Does hunting or fishing put me in close association with unbelievers or cause me to neglect my family?’—Luke 6:45.

    Some who hunt or fish for food may feel justified in putting aside spiritual matters during hunting and fishing seasons. However, we show faith and trust in God when we do not let anything take priority over his interests. (Matthew 6:33) Furthermore, Christians obey all of “Caesar’s” laws regarding hunting and fishing, whether the authorities enforce them or not.—Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:1.

    To conform to Jehovah’s view of hunting and fishing, some may need to adjust their thinking with regard to his standards. (Ephesians 4:22-24) On the other hand, we need to respect the conscientious decisions of others. Appropriate in this case is the apostle Paul’s counsel: “Let us not be judging one another any longer, but rather make this your decision, not to put before a brother a stumbling block.” (Romans 14:13) Showing such unselfish love and respect makes for peace in the congregation and pleases our Maker, the Source of all life.—1 Corinthians 8:13.

    [Footnote]See also “Questions From Readers” in the May 15, 1990, issue of The Watchtower.

    *** w90 5/15 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ***

    ? Is it appropriate for a Christian to go hunting or fishing?

    The varied reactions to hunting often involve deep feelings. So it is best for Christians to strive to understand and apply Jehovah God’s thinking on the matter as found in the Bible.

    God gave mankind dominion over both “wild” and “domestic” animals. At first, humans did not have the Creator’s permission, nor perhaps any physical need, to kill animals for food. (Genesis 1:24, 29, 30) Only after the Flood did God give mankind the right to eat animal flesh that was properly drained of “its soul—its blood.” (Genesis 9:3, 4) That could be meat from either domestic or wild animals.

    The Israelites raised animals, such as sheep and cattle, that could be slaughtered for food when they craved meat. They also hunted and fished to obtain food. (Deuteronomy 12:20-24; 14:4-20) This harmonizes with God’s figurative saying that he would ‘send many fishers to fish for his people and many hunters to hunt for them.’ (Jeremiah 16:16) Later, Jesus included fishermen among his apostles and directed actual fishing operations.—Matthew 4:18-22; 17:27; Luke 5:2-6; John 21:4-7.

    When the aged patriarch Isaac asked for a tasty meat dish, his son Jacob was willing to kill two young goats to make a dish for him. Esau, though, hunted a wild animal to get venison for his father. Note that although meat from domestic animals was available, Isaac asked for meat from a game animal. Note, too, that both sons killed animals that would be food, not for themselves, but for someone else.—Genesis 27:1-19.

    Animals might be killed for reasons other than their meat. Their skins could be made into clothing. (2 Kings 1:8; Mark 1:6; Hebrews 11:37) Protective coverings and utensils were also made from animal hides, even of animals dietarily unclean and that Israelites did not eat.—Exodus 39:33, 34; Numbers 24:7; Judges 4:19; Psalm 56:8.

    God’s requirement that the blood of slain animals be poured out should remind hunters that animal life is from him and so ought to be treated respectfully, not wantonly. (Leviticus 17:13) Nimrod evidently slaughtered animals and probably boasted about his hunting skill, the size or number of his kills, or the trophies that might have been made from them. He was “a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah.”—Genesis 10:9.

    Such a thrill over hunting or killing animals, or over reeling in fish, could develop in a Christian. Many a hunter or fisherman who has scrutinized his heart has discovered that he was infected with the ‘joy of the kill.’ Such excitement goes hand in hand with wanton disregard for animal life. So while it is not wrong to hunt or fish (when the kill or catch will be used by someone for food or another fitting purpose), it would be improper to do so if a Christian had a spirit reminiscent of Nimrod. But there are dangers besides getting a thrill out of the chase, the kill, or a trophy.

    The Watchtower of July 15, 1983, discussed why true Christians do not carry or keep guns for use against humans or protection from them. (Pages 23-6) Meditating on that counsel has led some Witnesses to reevaluate having even hunting guns. Not a few have chosen to get rid of their guns altogether or to avoid having them on display and readily accessible. These Christians thus would not give the impression of taking pride in weapons or trusting in them. Furthermore, not even having hunting guns, or not having them easily accessible, can avert tragedy. The deadly weapons could not then come into the hands of children who might accidentally hurt or kill someone, nor would guns be at hand if someone was extremely frightened or depressed.—Compare Proverbs 22:3.

    Some Christians may like the flavor of certain game or fish, and the most practical way to obtain such food is by hunting or fishing. Others enjoy the air and exercise linked with hunting in the woods, or find that quiet hours of fishing are relaxing. The Bible does not speak against this, so there is no need to judge others as to whether they enjoy such things or not. And the example of Isaac and his sons shows that there is no need to make an issue of who will eat the game or fish.—Matthew 7:1-5; Romans 14:4.

    The apostle Peter was evidently quite attached to fishing. With some fish lying nearby, the resurrected Jesus helped him to analyze his own feelings about fish or the fishing business. Jesus asked: “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”—John 21:1-3, 9-15; see TheWatchtower, November 1, 1988, page 31.

    Similarly, a Christian who in good conscience chooses to go hunting or fishing should have his priorities in order. For example, if a hunting or fishing season was to open at a time when congregation meetings were scheduled, what would he do? Or does his conversation show that he takes pride in his prowess at hunting or fishing? How fine it is if a mature Christian who, on occasion, chooses to hunt or fish can say with conviction: “Yes, Lord, you know I have affection for you [more than for these pursuits].”—John 21:16.

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