I think there is a poster here: winstonchurchill that is a former CO. Would be interesting to hear his thoughts. My opinion, yes and no....I guess it depends on the circuit and their living conditions. Some assembly halls have really nice apartments that they can call their own for 3 years.
Do COs have a cushy life?
by A question 36 Replies latest jw friends
Circuit overseers wives are renowned for being 'delicate'. I know probably about 12 COWs, and only 2 are healthy mentally and physically - in my opinion.
I think it's a horrible life. No permenant home. 'Ministry' being the focus of your life. Having to listen to your husband give the three same talks about 20 times each. - Can you imagine the brain numbing, soul crushing boredom?
Really, I would think it would be every bit as boring for the CO as for the wives. But, I guess they are getting an authority buzz out of this, and hoping to make DO or higher eventually.
Don't forget the personality type that gets off on asceticism-
as·cet·i·cism (-st-szm) n. 1. The principles and practices of an ascetic; extreme self-denial and austerity. 2. The doctrine that the ascetic life releases the soul from bondage to the body and permits union with the divine. I think the ass kissing probably feeds into this type of persons self image.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
It does depend on the particular CO. If you had one who was diligently hoarding all of his "green handshakes", he'd have a nice pile of cash every year tax-free. But it is a life which is dependent on you following the org's teachings completely and remaining useful to them. If you had the unfortunate fate of falling ill and not dying soon afterwards, they are going to find ways to dump you off on the congregations. I've had COs who were very decent men who were as humble as you'd expect a full-time servant to be, and also COs who liked nothing more than to stir the pot every single time he passed through. There was one Bro. St. Clair, who had almost a fetish about people filling up the front rows of the audience. He would petulantly refuse to go on until people filled up those rows, and had the annoying catch-phrase "that's OK, just let the organization suffer". I openly wondered how the organization could possibly suffer because people didn't fill up the front rows. It was that kind of pettiness that really turned me off to the JWs.
While the life of COs is perhaps better understood, I have always found DOs a bit of a mystery. What do they do all the time? What sort of money and benefits do they get and what sort of security?
I'd say the DO's life has got to be one of the worst. Aren't they at Circuit Assemblies like 40 times a year?!?!??! Plus a few District assemblies to boot. Talk about brainwashing repetition!
Only five Circuits in a District, no?
Plus it's not like they actually have to listen to it. Just give a couple of talks.