The "worlds" view of the preaching work- pretty accurate

by stuckinamovement 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinamovement

    True story ........So I was standing in line at the hardware store yesterday, picking up some garden stuff and happened to catch the conversation in front of me.

    The man in front of me was buying a no soliciting sign. The checker asked "who is this for, girl scouts?"

    the man responded "those damn Jehovah's Witnesses. I have only lived here for three weeks and those bastards have come by twice." "I told them not to bother me, and if I ever want to learn about their crazy religion I will come to them".

    The Checker replied...." I know, they just don't seem to get it. You can put yourself on a do not disturb list."

    The man said in return, "if they come back again I will demand to be put on the list. I mean how disrespectful is it to come to my house at 10:00 in the morning to tell me that my religion is wrong?" " I don't stalk them down to say that I think they are a cult, I mean doesn't it go both ways?"

    The checker replied, "they are trying to win converts. Everyone I know can't stand them."

    I could hardly keep a staight face when I was paying for my items.

    Attention Watchtower. The conversation above is exactly how you are perceived. Is it any wonder that you have zero growth from the territory?


  • baltar447

    Sadly, they will think it means they are "objects of hatred" and fulfilling prophecy. Delusion+mind control=keerazy!

  • Zordino

    They are also considered Socially Retarded and just plain Weird. Basically, Well dressed Nutjobs. And as baltar said, the wT spins that as "being persecuted". What a Load of Sh**t!

  • cantleave

    And the witnesses think people take them seriously.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    It's amazing how despite the propaganda from the society that the Good News of Gods kingdom is being spread worldwide, even in the most well-covered territories people don't have a clue that they are there to talk about.

    That preaching work is mighty effective, ain't it?

  • Sapphy

    You must have heard wrong. This is how the experience will be written up:

    A brother who had allowed 'anxieties of life' to 'crowd out' his service to Jehovah had become inactive.

    One day he went to a hardware store where he overheard a conversation between the store owner and and another customer:

    "I see you're buying a no soliciting sign, who is that for?"

    "Jehovah's witnesses, they've called at my home two times in three weeks!"

    "I know, they've done that here too - still you have to admire their persistance!"

    "Oh I've never thought of it that way, I must say they always look well dressed"

    "And their children are so well behaved!"

    "Maybe I wont put up this sign yet, I'll give them a chance to explainwhy they call so often next time"

    Cut to his heart by this conversation, Andre our inactive brother called the co-ordinator of the body of elders at his old hall and asked for a Bible study to help him gain the love he had at first. After a few months Andre was back sharing in field service, and one morning he just happened to call on the customer at the hardware store! He related his experience to the householder and now both are serving together as happy witnesses of our loving father, together with all their families!

  • cheerios

    LOL sapphy :D

  • androb31

    Sapphy - Nice write up, sounds about right how they would spin it. Think I just threw up in my mouth a lot......

  • stuckinamovement

    Lol sapphy how did you know that I am actually Andre?

    Funny stuff.

  • 00DAD

    Andre gets around!

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