Those kiwis cant tell the difference between a man and woman, too much time w/ the sheep.
NEW LAW Starting July 2012 in Qld Australia Preventing Door to Door Sales
by Hopscotch 34 Replies latest jw friends
Those kiwis cant tell the difference between a man and woman, too much time w/ the sheep.
I always thought a man-sheep had his wool dyed blue, and a woman-sheep dyed pink. Very traditional. Wait on: I'll just have another look in the paddock....
too much time w/ the sheep.
So . . . how much is too much?
Just askin'
If they continue to knock on doors..I wonder if taking any literature they offer and NOT contributing would discourage them from coming back. Maybe take the literature each time they come and say thank you and close the door..I bet after a while they would stop coming..hurt them in the pocketbook..
Course on the other hand I knew some that did this just so they could say they placed magazines..even if it cost them or they placed older magazines. The society comes out ahead no long as someone pays for the literature they are happy.
Snoozy..who knows that no law will stop them from coming to your door..
The re were similar articles in the Melbourne papers a week or two back. They will still allow for religious callers, charities and politicians. Probably the ones you want to be rid of the most!