I dont believe in God, most of the world do. In my opinion, most of the world are being misled and sold lies. The reason it works so well is..... well..... it works so well ! These con merchants sell you on every human fear...death, security, paradise, no suffering, no pain, a ressurection...
btw...All things that we are content for other animals to endure, but no... we...WE are special. Religion works because we want it to.
The level of responsibility against ignorance and good motive is a tough one to balance. If you know your parents are good people, know that they did it all with the best of intentions. That is all ;) ! Now if you think it will help her, you can aid your mum in the reality of the deception, it may be hard but again its about motive, if yours is right then it is the best action.
I am not talking about your parents now, but as a comparison.... some do enter the JW's with bad intent, some dragging their kids in behind them. I have seen it. These people use the JW's as a psychological hiding hole, I am sure we have all seen these weird and emotionally broken people come and go from the WT corp with this sefish mindset. Some may even get stuck in and try to manipulate the people and the system, for me these are the worst of all JW's. They may even walk away when the light of truth is shone on them, leaving family behind as they seek another source of shelter, some other banquet of attention and listening ears. These people are few in number in my experience and though I will give such people a wide birth for the rest of my life (for all they do is consume heartlessly), even these sad shells of people are lost souls.
My point is, for the most part JW's are good people, JW parents are on the whole no different to us in here at one time.... misled and full to the teeth with indoctrination that works oh so good.
Sure, be angry you are allowed!
Be annoyed that they fell for it!
Be sad for the times you lost and joy you never had as a normal family. As heads of your family, this was there responsibility...
These feelings are healthy and normal.
BUT know they likely did it with best intentions, probably YOUR best intentions, a paradise earth for the family to live on together.
Snare x