my definition of a possible deity is vague because i dont know, this to you is evidence that deities do not exist, am i correct?
ofcourse not. My point was simply that if i am to answer the question, "does God exist" i need to know what you mean by God. Now you have defined God as someone who created the universe that has settled that side of the question (notice that the more properties you add to god, the more evidence it will take to demonstrate he exist).
you wrote on your last post how scientists failed hypothesis to prove that the universe was created by a god,
No, i specifically wrote that there are many competing, contradictory ideas for how the universame came around. One of them is: God made it. So is it any truer than any of the other claims? If not, why should i accept it as such?
would it be rational to conclude that these tests were done with what we humans currently know and understand?
it would be stating the obvious.
do you think these understanding could change in future changing our view on certain topics? do you see science as a set of laws or a form of free acquisition?
Yes ofcourse, but that is stating the obvious once again. It is also possible any of the other ideas will turn out to be true, who knows? It is also possible that a new idea will come about sometimes after we have seriously begun to probe the problem experimentally, rather than grasping blindly as we do now.
For me to accept the (complex) hypothesis god exist and made the universe I need evidence. If i have no evidence, i cannot accept it anymore than any of many other (arguably less amazing!) ideas for how the universe came about. They are, at the very best, equally likely, and that mean "god made the universe" must be unlikely indeed.
I call that being an "atheist" because i can safely state: I do not accept the existence of God.
Now --and this is a very important point-- The gods people actually believe in, and the god-ideas i am exposed to, is not simply: God made the universe and thats it. Its about Jesus, mohammed, Adam and Eve and so on.
with respect to those Gods we know a whole lot more. they are contradicted by direct evidence again and again. I am a much stronger atheist with respect to those ideas.
I hope that makes it more clear.