I am from Russia, and i've ben a JW for a 19 years of my life, since my early childhood.
Last 5-6 years that i spend my time in the Organization, it was only because my family, close friends, and a girlfriend. I've been a pioneer for a 6 years, but my favorite kind of ministry was construction of Kingdom Halls! (Because there was a lot of humour, creative young people, young and pretty sisters, etc.;) I still have very good memories about that period... Nearly before i finally quit, i was disfellowshipped for a 1 year and 4 months. In that time i 've reed a "Crisis of Concience" and "In search for christian freedom", and give those book to my mom, she already was inactive, and having a serious doubts. But i was too naive! I decided to comeback into Organization- cause of my girlfriend and friends. And remain there as a "double agent" or a spy)) I had to pass through all the way to be reinstated... When i 'came back', i had a bad surprise: the elders decided that i need to study some publications again, for my "reabilitation". My instructor was one elder, who pretend he knows me very well...Of course, he not. He was tactless and very, very dumb. So that was a last drop)) I couldn't continue to stay as a good actor, and i don't want to lie that i believe in all this crap... And i clearly saw, that my girlfriend and my friends are not faithful to our friendship- they were slaves of a Slave... So, 8 months was quite enough- i wrote a nice letter for my friends, in which i explained my point of view, and i send it to all my JW-contact list in social network... Because i want them to know this information directly from me, not from stupid JW rumours... And in same evening i bring my disclamation letter to our letters...with the same letter (even more cool!), that was written by my mom. It was happened 3 years ago)) Now i am happy to "simplify my life" by a living as a normal person!!! I not belong to any religion, i respect some of them, especially buddhists and hindu. So... it will be very interesting for me to associate with some of you- cause i've never seen any english-speaking apostates! (As you can guess, all of people from States, Canada and U.K., that i have seen- was a very zealous pioneers!!!)Hi, everybody!
by thomyorke 26 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting story!!
Welcome to the board! I am an American "apostate" - so now you've seen at least one!!
Zid - the board's "She-Devil"...
Hello from Texas, USA! I've read about the ban on JW's in Russia. How bad was the ban? Did it affect you personally?
I have always wanted to visit Russia. I hear that there are some very beautiful areas, and the people are beautiful too!
Do you now have more freedom in Russia than you used to?
I am glad that you saw that the JW's did not teach the Truth. I am sorry that you lost your friends who are still JW's, but I am happy that your Mother is willing to read Crisis of Concience, and that you still have a relationship with her.
mind blown
Hello and welcome
Wow Russia huh? This is fantastick! I wish you and your mother well!
Wizard of Oz
Welcome thomyorke...... I'm from Australia and very good for you and mother you get out....
Lucky I think now we have internet can find out much....
Hello and a big welcome from me in the UK.
Loz x
-I've read about the ban on JW's in Russia. How bad was the ban? Did it affect you personally?-
-I was born in 1985, and when my family start to visit JW meetings (in 1990), it was still under ban. I remember it, when i was just 5,
the meetings was far away from city, on a meadow in the forest! A conventions was gathered near lake or a river, and
my mom was baptized on the river! When some brothers from Finland once came to such 'forest meeting', they dont know what to think...
Because 90% of JW songs were differened, than in other countries! It was a hand-written songbooks, and songs was written
somewhere in Siberia camp or prison, where JW was in 1950-1960. (Some of that songs was from baptists and etc.)
But in 1991 the Organization was registred, and it was a start for a very big growth. In 1992 was established a future bethel, it was dedicated in 1997. In 1999 a Convention Hall with a 1500 seats was built...
But now their success and groth are very poor.
In some areas a local JW orhanization are under ban again- but it's not a problem. All the properties such as Kingdom Hall are registred on a Society in Russian Branch. Also 1 year ago Wt and Awake magazines was officialy called an extremist literature! Because of some statements against other religion and position about blood transfusion. But WTB are very smart organization!)) Now they print THE SAME magazines, but it has no label on it! Filling are same, front picture too. But now it is a "nameless brochure!"
Also Society give a strong advice to all JW members to BURN old magazines that they keep home, and collect only few of publications, especially in digital library. But there is no any serious problem with preaching from door to door and meetings.
-I have always wanted to visit Russia. I hear that there are some very beautiful areas, and the people are beautiful too!-
It is!)) I am from Saint-Petersburg, it is not only "Theocraitic capital", but most beautiful city in Russia, that called "Northern Venice."
Also good, that Finland and Estonia are very close from us- we have an opportunity to see how capitalists normal people live.
Amelia Ashton
Hello and welcome thomyorke from another apostate living in England
breakfast of champions
Welcome from the US, just miles from Bethel HQ! Love your experience, especially how you "simplified your life." Very funny.