Just wondering if they addressed and answered the question - something about "How do you view Jesus?"
So, did the Memorial answer the question posed in their invitation?
by poppers 10 Replies latest jw friends
No, I don't think so.
I zoned out on most of it. One of the worst public speakers in the congo gave it here. No fluency. No coherence. Ramblin' country bumpkin. He has no idea what he is supposed to believe about a ransom, rather, has to read the outline word-for-word.
They pose so many questions as if they hold all the answers yet every meeting, assembly, or memorial I ever attended left me wondering why I even bothered to go because they left me with more questions than answers. Bait and switch tactics, bob and weave. Such crap....
Attended the 64th memorial. Each memorial for the past 30 years has seemed more and more weirid.
Questions about the identity of the "other sheep".
Exclusion of "other sheep" from partaking.
The false separation into two classes if they are really "one" flock.
The division is between the sheep and the goats. NOT the heard of sheep.
The exercise in refusing what is passed hand to hand under your nose all the while being read scriptures that say if you don't eat his flesh and drink his blood you won't have everlasting life.
It's a big tease.
No way actually I thought it was weird how it was phrased
"how do you view Jesus?" then answer the question with come find out!
ReAlly? You asked me how I view Jesus theN. Invite me to come see what my opinion should be??
Whacked out crazy shizzle if you ask me!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
It was the same outline. So the correct answer would be to view Jesus as a 33 year-old Jew passing wine and crackers around to his buds.
Desirous-we must have been to the same one.
Lie2NoMore hahahah love your comment! I didn't see the invitation but was curious what this topic was going to lay out! love it!
The one holiday JW's have and they can't even partake!! One year when I'm finally out I'm gonna go and have me some wine cheese and crackers!
They always brag about there being over twice as many that attend the momorial thinking that these are interested ones. I just don't buy that.
Yes, they told YOU how YOU view Jesus.
Without them YOU wouldn't know anything, even YOUR own beliefs.