What do recent events tell us? Well, the special talk seemed utterly directed at getting lapsed Witnesses back into the cult. "Jehovah wants you back......"
And the letter? Well, if cash is rolling in because of some activity you are doing (killing off trees to print magazines for people lacking critical judgement) then it would be HIGHLY likely that you wouldn't stop whatever is bringing in the 'green'...... which tells you how truthful their internet BS is.
I don't doubt that various GB members are making remarks about how the "preaching work" is accomplished ...... but that utterance leaves the organization in a situation like those Who Have Dressed Up In Bedsheets and Sat On A Mountaintop Waiting For The Rapture.
I'm very curious as to how they weasel their way out of this dilemma. So far, whatever new deception they come up with has to 1) let them save face (arrogance) 2) save or make money (greed) and 3) get them off the hook as to Timing Armageddon (scam) by saying that the 'preaching work' is accomplished.
It's gonna be interesting...