"Thats an interesting point glenster....if they evolve their faith for the
better...was it based on anything true."
I recommend "How to Think About God," Mortimer Adler, for philosophizing about
a basic concept of God and the possibility of it. Beyond that, to hope God is
there, has a name, intervened, are matters of faith.
Part of understanding faith as such, among other things, is that it isn't
proven substantiation for anyone to be hurt or killed for it, so there should be
separation of church and state. If attention for the founding of the Christian
faith goes back to the NT, nobody there is asking for Christianity to be law of
the land, either. Christians are to go among Jews and Gentiles without giving
offense to gain others to God, according to the end of 1 Cor.10.
"a fundamentalist muslim group that sends suicide bombers to kill people...the
Catholic church is no better."
I read the articles at the links above and saw related killings to dislike,
things most current Catholics would dislike, too, but I don't see that, no. I
don't think I need to worry that if I saw Bob Newhart or Stephen Colbert coming
I'd have to run before they blow up. If Bob M. thought so, I think he had too
much herb, stood up, then took ten deep breaths (a "quick 10" is what it used to
be called--have a couch or such behind someone who tries that as a precaution).