What have you found is a productive way for you to study the Bible? Do you have a group? Or a solitary preference?
How do you study the Bible? (for those that do)
by Silent_Scream 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
I am removing my answer because now that you changed the title it doesnt make sense :-)
But now it seems that I came to tell you that i dont study the bible,.... what a conondrum
If you are going to make a study of the bible it depends how deep you want to get into it. If you are looking for truth then I would sit with a greek and hebrew bible with a couple of english versions, a few dictionaries, encyclopias, plus look up all that mentioned. If you want to take the bible literally then you would have to look into the history / archeological records. If you are looking at creation you need to perhaps understand some basic astronomy so that you can understand if that is literal or not.
It is not as easy as just picking it up and reading it and praying for inspiration.
cyberjesus, you tricked me! im so stupid...lol
• Preheat oven to 180ºC/356ºF
• Place Bible in a pan over a low light with some Virgin-Birth Olive Oil
• Stir slowly and allow pages to caramelize
• When golden-brown and soft to the touch, add in Ragoo Pastafarian sauce
• Place in the oven for 2-3 hours, until thoroughly cooked
• Season to taste, leave to cool on the windowsill
• Enjoy spiritual nourishment!
I don't hop around verse to verse. I read a book slowly, carefully, straight thru. As we should know, CONTEXT is everything.
Wizard of Oz
I don't study the Bible, I read it as a letter to my lost JW wife which I previously failed to understand. Nowadays I would write to her thus: "Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith, which was once for all times delivered to the Saints. For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who have long beforehand been marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the Grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master. These men in the same manner by dreaming; defile the flesh, reject authourity and revile Angelic Majesties. The Book of JUDE..... if you continue in this vein you may get my drift.
For who come to people's houses, feast with you without fear i.e. BS/JW. My New American Standard very old Bible has put Headers throughout in an attempt to put things in context i.e. Jude v1-16 The Warnings of History to the Ungodly v17-25 Keep Yourselves in the Love of God.
Solitarily using Common Sense I.e. That is by using my race memory. All animals have race memories, we are Animals. Mine appear to have somehow been Tapped.
Band on the Run
I read it in consecutive verses in one or two sittings per book. My purpose is to avoid all secondary material. I ask what I think is going on. Next, I usually call a reputable seminary and ask for the best commentary. I read the commentary.
I never have problems finishing a Bible book in one or two sessions. Strange, how the Witnesses never read in consecutive verses. It is such a large collection of writings. I could write any fool idol and p rove it by jumping around the Bible.
I've been in Bible studies with other women. It was a college course, too. I"ve audited a few seminary courses.
I sign up for every class or discussion at church.
I keep reading the authors that Elaine Pagels introduced me to when I was in college. Also, I used to hang out at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York. There were many Union Theological Seminary students also hanging out. I'd ask them silly questions that I would not ask a priest or prof.
I prefer to read verse by verse, with a purpose of understanding a book.
When it comes to the gospels try reading them "horizontally".
For example read all the birth narratives, all the accounts of Jesus' death, all the resurrection stories and so on.
Try not to conflate then in your mind, let them each stand on their own - you will be amazed.