What came first? Atheism or the "apostasy" in JW terms?

by Silent_Scream 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Silent_Scream

    For those who are atheists: Did you become an atheist while being a JW, then left, or did you not view them as the true religion and left, but still believed in God/Bible, but later turned to atheism?

  • cantleave

    I studied Chemistry to graduate level as a JW, and found much of what I was brought up to believe as a JW was conflicting with what I was learning secularly. I put it all to the back of my mind. I deliberately did not read the arguments for evolution. After I left the cult I re-read all the subjects that caused me uncertainty as a witness. I began to question everything I was brought up to believe. After months of reading and listening to hours of debate on the subject, I came to the logical conclusion that there is no intelligent designer.

  • Knowsnothing

    For me, it was left believing in the Bible (apostate) and then atheist (although atheists are considered apostates anyways). Why? Do you think the order matters?

  • cofty

    For me it was JW - evangelical christianity - open theism - atheism

  • Scully

    I think I was atheist before my parents joined the JWs (when I was 6) - prior to that, we never talked about god or jesus or anything religious - I'd never been inside a church nor had I been christened as an infant. I had to drink the Kool-Aid once they joined because all other options were removed.

    Twenty-five years later, when I quit the JWs, I gradually found my way back to non-belief.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    For me, it was the whole shooting match.

    All throughout my life I have been skeptical of the bible. . . But I suspended my disbelief because it was the right thing to do. . .

    I think one of the things that drew me to JWS was that it was the anti-religion religion. I liked the religion bashing aspect.

    But when the WT credibility fell apart, everything else went with it. A bunch of bullshit.

  • Silent_Scream

    Do you think the order matters?

    I am simply interested. It seems like most left first, then with further study became atheists. I'm wondering, was it a process, or a direct realization into that understanding..

  • Knowsnothing

    NewChapter seems to be an exception. She (?) has stated numerous times she was essentially an atheist as a child.

    It seems to be a process for most. For some, there is a "crystalizing moment."

  • cofty

    NewChapter seems to be MIA has she gone away for Easter?

  • cofty

    I'm wondering, was it a process, or a direct realization into that understanding..

    It was a long process and I was a practical atheist for a long time before I would have admitted it. The problem of evil was the trigger, resolving issues around the bible, creationism etc took time.

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