Not Jesus, but my Saab. And I looked around, and it is good. I resurrected him after 7 months in Gehenna, and he is now at my right hand, ruling the roadways. His headlights are a lamp to your foot and a light to your roadway. And their came to be evening, and their came to be morning, a new day; and it is good, sayeth Lord JK.
He is risen this Easter
by JRK 11 Replies latest jw friends
What particular incarnation of Saab did you save from gehenna?
Saabs are very cool - innovative engineering.
There was an early Saab with covered wheel arches, remember this was for Sweden where it snows a lot. Can you guess what happened next?
A 9 3 SE Convertible. Long may he run.
Nice. Death has been conquered, hallelujah!
Tell me about the wheel arches.
In this very early Saab the snow would build up in the front wheel arches and turn to ice which the driver would discover when they tried in vain to turn the steering wheel.
An odd mistake to make on a car designed for Scandanavia.
There was another early Saab that needed the revs kept up to maintain oil pressure. It was discovered it was very difficult and dangerous to drive on long downhill roads using left foot breaking and lifting the revs with the right foot.
Saab were airplane makers during WWII and continue to make figher jets. Their engineering has always been innovative. They got it spot on with the model you have.
Maybe that is why they went to 2 cycle engines after that experience. Those were real smokers.
You may be right about that. I think it was a four stroke that never really addressed the lack of lub in the fuel.
You can imagine the meeting of the design team "oh it will be fine once its on the move..."
A friend at work had a 99 I always admired it. Interestingly a recent poll puts Saab drivers top of the list for intelligence. In the UK they tend to be liked by professionals, designers, archietects etc.
Soft-top not so pratical for British weather though.
What were the problems you had to sort out with your Saab?