Latley I have been telling some of my family members that I don't beleive anymore, I had my mom especially not really beleiving either...then today's special talk scared her into submission to the WT society. I guess the brother started crying during the part when they were telling inactive people to come back to Jehovah. She now says she's going to be a regular auxillary pioneer and that she's not going to give up on serving Jah now cause she's afraid she's going to die. I told her that I guess I'll just be the only one to die at arrmageddon. I tried to reason with her but it's not working. Am I the only one in the family who can see through the manipulation?
Help! I need sane people...
by lostinthought 10 Replies latest jw friends
she's not going to give up on serving Jah now cause she's afraid she's going to die.
Way to go, Jehovahâ„¢. People aren't serving you because they love you, admire you or appreciate you, they're serving you because you scare the $h!t out of them.
You probably are, unfortunately.
The thing is, Memorial Season with the "Special Talk", District Conventions, and Special Assembly Days all gear the JW's up to get back on the ball...for a little while. She'll probably burn out soon and be right back to where she was...just in time for another DC or SAD. It's a cycle I remember well. My ex would get all gung-ho after some special JW event and really crack down on EVERYTHING, insisting I go door to door more, insisting we get rid of this or that. And he wondered why I would always get depressed and angry after an assembly, DC, or special talk.
I'd say back off a bit on your mom because her cult personality is in full force right now and no amount on begging or reasoning from you will change that. It might push her away, which you don't want. Give it time before you open the subject for discussion.
The speaker was crying about the inactives?? To get emotional about it, makes me wonder if it hitting close to home for him, in his family, or so many in cong. or is he himself battling it?
Remember - this is the religion that is morally far above trying to scare people with Hellfire.
The worldly people at my job call it retooling. Refreshing the insanity.
Crying about inactive???? Interesting. I checked my voicemail and missed calls. Nope. Not one. My phone number hasn't changed for years. It's a bunch a Bullcrap. Whatever they can say and do to remain untaxable in the eyes of the government.
My family went through this for DECADES when I was growing up. My folks would get fed up...ESPECIALLY after 75, and quit attending and going to service. Months of normalcy would fill our lives then here comes March and the stupid elders would come by..."Err uh err hee hee memorial" and off we go the the rejection ceremony and we would then go BACK to the STUPID hall and STUPID service, then the dc, then my folks would get SICK of the bs and non biblical demands put upon the peons and we would be good again for a few months.
I am sorry that you too are having to endure all this. But know you are not alone in having dealt with it.
I missed the special talk today because I never went to sleep last night due to severe insomnia. I finally got some sleep this morning only to be woken up by my wife streaming the talk to her phone beside me in bed. She commented that it was nothing new only that they stressed that inactive ones need to get back in the race for life. Here we go again!