Avg JW thoughts:
"If the magazine is half the size, do I donate half as much at the counter? Oh, I shouldn't do that. The WTS must need the money."
"Is the Internet ok to use now? I am going to get social media and use it to preach. Wow, I can surf the Internet AND count my time!"
"How is the WTS going to get people to their site? Pop up ads? What about all those apostate sites? I better get familiar with, at least,what the apostate sites are saying so I can defend?"
"The field service must be a huge waste of time, and the WTS is finally realizing it. No one is ever home. No one answers if they are, and our gas prices are getting too high to go out door-to-door. I'm not going to go out in service. The Internet is the answer. I hope the WTS sends me on interested parties house calls. No more cold calling! Yeah, I hated that!"