Special Day talk on Youtube
by andys 26 Replies latest jw friends
Amelia Ashton
It has been so long since I went to a meeting that it all seems very creepy now
Before the reading of the letter, the speaker said the letter was "something completely different," and then another speaker read it. I thought with that mini-intro, it did express or set up that thought at least.
You never know, sometimes, people aren't so 'reactionary' to "something completely different," but need time to think about it. You never know.
adding,,I didn't listen to whole recording,,letter was read at about 1:41.00 timing.
Sorry I tried to listen and couldnt make it through the prayer... The music was bad enough :)
Sounded like an Italian with a rural British accent and a mild speech impediment. As if the convoluted rhetoric isn't enough to numb your mind!!!
St George of England
At the start he announces the name of the congregation, something like Hunsworth, but I couldn't find it listed on the CC site. Sounds like Bradford/Hull.....
Mickey mouse
Sounded like Hunslet to me http://opencharities.org/charities/1066114
This youtube channel is interesting. It says that the meeting audio is being put up for those that are in lands where the work is banned and NOT as a substitute for going to the meeting lol.
I survived 15 secs before wanting to vomit!