Special talk earthquakes increasing really?

by tootired2care 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    The positional responsibility of the GB is really to write shit up for the WTS. to print.

    Being that the people you've been running the WTS. hasn't an educated clue to what the bible writings are about they just know

    that they can exploit the basic general belief in the bible, to serve their expensive needs as a publishing house.

    Its really a matter of stupidity and ignorance feeding the needs of stupidity and ignorance, a engine of perpetual motion.

    The WTS. takes only the information that supports themselves as an organization and leaves the rest alone, if I was in their position

    where fear is a marketable commodity, I might do likewise.

  • DaCheech

    and to make matters worse our speaker was a college educated person who tows the party line villifying college (per WT instructions)

  • thetrueone

    Repost ..dam night shift

    The positional responsibility of the GB is really to write shit up for the WTS. to print.

    Being that the people who've been running the WTS. hasn't an educated clue to what the bible writings are about they just know

    that they can exploit the basic general belief in the bible, to serve their own expressive needs as a publishing house.

    Its really a matter of stupidity and ignorance feeding the needs of stupidity and ignorance, a continuing engine of perpetual motion.

    The WTS. takes only the information that supports themselves as an organization and leaves the rest alone, if I was in their position

    where fear is a marketable commodity, I might do likewise.

  • respectful_observer

    If anyone uses the recent earthquake in Haiti as evidence, you can always remind them that the earthquake with the highest death toll in recorded history killed 820,000 - 830,000-- over twice the number as Haiti...

    ...and it was 500 years ago.

    1"Shaanxi"01556-01-23 January 23, 1556Shaanxi, China820,000–830,000 (est.) [ 13 ]8.0 (est.)
    Shaanxi, China - January 23, 1556


  • Flossycat

    Hi TT2C. With regards to whether or not to print out the info and show it to an elder or another JW at risk of being labelled an apostate - that'll depend on how 'strong' you're seen within the congregation? And it depends on the kind of elders and congregation you attend - some seem more lenient than others. If you're just showing up at meetings, not doing much field service etc, you might be seen as in need of a pep-talk or 'counselling'. It's a long time since I've been a JW. Maybe 'cos there's been so many doctrinal stuff-ups on the generational thing, and other failed prophecies, the elders are more stringent these days?

    I know a now-ex-elder who, in the lead-up to 1975 at the monthly elders' meetings, voiced his doubts about Armageddon arriving circa 1975. (I was in the same congregation.) He was viewed as almost apostate, and the other elders started having speicial private meetings without him, about him. It wasn't till the mid 1980s he and his wife and children left the org.

    Just by-the-by, I bumped into a JW some years after that, who'd known both me (we'd been best friends) and the elder and his family v well. She told me she'd heard this elder and his wife had begun their own religion. That was a load of crap - but illustrates yet again how those who question and leave the org are often falsely labelled. When I tried to reason with her about one of the JW doctrinal stuff-ups she just cut the conversation and walked away. And we had been such good friends...

    Tread carefully if you want to remain in contact with any JW friends.

    Love James' comment, above.

  • Dutch-scientist

    You know the JW's believe it. we all know here the facts that the rate is steady. (2 earthquakes per hour world wide, 17/18 mayor earthquakes per year and one super earthquake per year)

    A lot of things are linked to this rate what we do every day.

    Weather, GPS, time

    Cantleave made the correlation clear. The world population is increasing and earthquakes NOT!

    The point is that an earthquake can hit more people than in the past because their are more people on the planet. due to better construction of the houses less people will be killed unless it hits an 3rd world country with bad construction.


  • heathen

    I really like how they tried to twist it to mean other things as well , not just literal earth quakes but political unrest . I guess that was a little too hard to convince most people of but the whole thing does start out with nation rising against nation and there were more wars than in previous centuries in the 20th. If you read the old testament , the only time you see earth quake is when God got angry and punnished the Israelites .

  • Dutch-scientist

    Just got news there one today an mayor earthquake again in sea arround Indonesia.

    Tsunami alerts!

    Follow the news.


  • VM44

    Why doesn't the Bible also say "there will be tsunamis"??

    Did the Jewish people know about those?

  • DaCheech

    how about hurricanes?

    I guess whatever the Jews did not know, God did not know!

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