Why then did Rutherford (rogue that he was) teach that ALL religion is a snare and a racket?
Identifying marks of the true religion
by ex360shipper 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why are Watchtower religionists clueless on the difference between proselytising (teaching religion) and evangelising (teaching the liberating message called the unabridged "good news")?
... does the Watchtower provide for orphans and widows?
... does the Watchtower provide food and clothing to orphans and widows?
... does the Watchtower have a charity for orphans and widows?
Does [Jewish] any[Catholic] church[Lutheran] do[Islamic] so[Mormon]?
The Watchtower Society is an exception, a rare religion that does not have an active humanitarian program. You don't have to agree on doctrine to agree on human decency!
You wouldn't expect the WT to provide criterias that would identify another religion....?
There's no such thing as the true religion.
So there's no way to identify it.
It's all a bunch of bull.
What is the most important identifying mark of the "true" government?
Um, it's in power?
the identifying marks of the JWs are like skiddies in undies. Shit and visible!