How to counter a stupid illustration in the Bible Teach Book

by NVR2L8 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    Here's a big problem with that illustration: Jehovah hasn't allowed Satan to run the world. He's constantly interferring, had His people commit genocide on Satan's, refuses to let people use magic or any demonic influence (even though He constantly employed miracles and angelic influence), tower of Babel, etc.

    It's like the teacher starts erasing the chalkboard anytime the student starts being creative. He's not letting the student fail, He's making him fail.

  • Spectre

    I was thinking that myself NOLAW. Watchtower college education at its finest.

  • jwfacts

    Great analogy.

    They also use the one about humans beings being tenants in God's house. If a tenant destroys a house, the landlord has the right to kick them out. What they fail to mention is that God doesn't plan to kick out the tenants, he plans to murder them.

    Another one they commonly use to justify why they go preaching is "if saw a house on fire, wouldn't you run and warn the people inside so as to save them?" The problem with that one is everyone else can see that the house is not on fire, so having a JW knocking at the door telling them they are about to die just makes the JWs look nuts.

  • tresdecu

    Excellent thread. You get a 'G' for illustrations...and we'll move you along, and look forward to your next part on the ministry school...

    Seriously, that was a good illustration, stuff like that really makes people think.

    Here's one I came up with as a kid, wondering, "if blood is so sacred to Jah, why did he create mosquitos to suck up peoples blood"

  • NVR2L8

    Nolaw, math is an accurate science where there is only one way to get the right result. The student's challenge may also reveal that the teacher is wrong and any smart teacher would take this opportunity to correct his view. The WT on the other hand is always right even when they are wrong and they never see a challenge as an opportunity to rectify their view. Instead they vilify, visolate and silence any dissident regardless if they are right or wrong. In time the WT may decide that "new light" has provided a clearer understanding of the scriptures with no admission of being wrong before...This reminds me of what happened to Carl Olof Jonsson who attemted to provide a clearer understanding of the Gentile Times and how Jerusalem was never destroyed in 607 BCE...

  • prologos

    It shows the total misunderstanding that wt writers have of the better educational institutions. They thrive on brilliant out-of the-box thinking students, the nobel prize candidates.

    Students always on average surpass their teachers. why are not swinging in the trees any more?

    The old WT teachers had their day in the classroom, they are trying something else now. the ORG, no questions allowed.

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