Funny Conversation

by TOTH 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    So I was outside today cleaning the inside of my car and up stroll two jw's. They have been around here a LOT the past couple of weeks. I wonder WHY! LOL Anyways I don't know either of these two clowns and they ask how I am and I said not to ask. They laughed and one of them started in about how they were talking to my neighbors about a bible topic. I remained silent and continued to spritz armor all on my dashboard. I listened quietly as they went on about how short the time must be considering world events blah blah blah. I told them I was not interested in hearing any more. The younger guy asked all giddy and weird if I wanted to live in a paradise earth with no evil around. And I told him, "Not if I have to live with a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses." LMAO! I totally stole that from a comedian I saw on tv years ago but you should have seen their faces. They walked away....LOL

  • ShirleyW

    Good one TOTH, but I'm surprised they didn't ask why.

  • TOTH

    Hmmm maybe it was my look of complete boredom and smirk of disdain? LOL

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LOL, very funny!

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Yeah, I love that!

  • sizemik

    LOL . . . I guess day cant argew wiff dat.

  • Phizzy

    Der, dat conversation stopper ain't in our little prompt book, wots dat called now? " Reasoning's not for Witnesses" I fink.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    What the heck was the younger dub smoking? What an odd follow up question

  • usualusername


    Laughing at your own jokes is sad.

    Laughing at a joke you have stolen is worse.

    However, for two days in a row you have made a stunning JWN entry. Proud of you.


  • TOTH

    Thanks UUN!

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