After reading much on this scandal, we know that many if not all JWs will not go out of there way to read up on this info. Does anyone know what the rumor in the congregations are about this topic? I'm sure alot of them are just taken back by fellow witnesses taking the society to court, bringing reproach on god's name. HA.
Menlo Park KH discussion in the WTS' eyes
by Magi 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This will just prove to them, like the GB says, that apostates are mentally diseased.
The same thing happened here in Texas some years ago. The congregation ended up disbanded, and I believe the former Kingdom Hall is still vacant.
These rebel elders should have just walked away - it has always been clear that you cannot fight city hall in the JW world.
So if apostates are mentally diseased, sounds like a flaw in the design. How can God blame our actions from an epidemic? Even the society can't just flat out say that we made these choices on our own, lmao.
James, who owns the texas KH? -
James, who owns the texas KH?
There is a thread about it here, if someone can find it. I thought that it eventually reverted to the original founders of the congregation as they had signed the letters of incorporation, not the Society. I believe that this was under the old system, where congregations actually owned their own KHs, not the new procedure where they are legally owned by the society.
Could be wrong, though...
Google Bonam TX Kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses for more info on that. Sadly there isn't much info.
The Menlo Park KH was under the same corporate arangement owned by "The Menlo Park Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc." the loan for the MP KH was financed by a wealthy brother rather then the WTS. The MP Congregation paid off the loan in 2009 right before the WTS started this scam which I am sure they had been planning for years.
What the WTS were not banking on was that when they asked the MP BOE to install corporate bylaws to essentially give WTS control of the corporation, the local BOE decided that they were just fine under California corporate law and declined to install the by laws. (mid 2008) Therefore, wile the WTS can remove them as elders, they have no legal right to remove them from the BOE. Only the local congregation can remove them from the BOE at the Biannual buisness meeting by voting a new BOE in.
This case is like the Bonam TX case with the twist that the WTS has gotten more ruthless, and has broken the law.
P.S. Article 3 of the series is up over at
Wasanelder Once
I think you mean that the Society cannot remove them from their corporate offices. They can remove them as elders and therefore from the BOE. That is a religious concept and body wheras their corporate offices are elected and held till the there is a vacancy in an office if its the same as our congs bylaws.
One of the CO suggested incorporation bylaws changed in our KH where I served included wording that those officers of the corporation are such persons as are actively serving as elders in the congregation.
Thus if you resign or get booted as an elder you'd no longer be considered an officer in the corporation that owns the KH.
Wasanelder, Thanks for the correction.
In the MP Cong. it was "Suggested" by WTS that they change the coporate bylaws as you mentioned. The Elders held a buisness meeting to discuss this in 2008 and decided that "things are fine the way they are."
California Corporate law has no requirement for the Board of Directors of a corporation to be "Elders" or even JW's for that matter. therefore the WTS had no legal right to remove them from their offices.
I'm betting that the WTS skiped some home work (Checking the corporate bylaws) before they started this take over attempt.
The rumor being spread is that the brothers (Cobbs) went apostate and were trying to get the congregation publishers to follow them instead of the Society. I know because I heard it myself from an active elder in the general area.
Oh course that would be the rumor, what else? Once a label has been attatched dubs can do the ol thought-stopping technique they do so well..