I love the Governing body - AND SO SHOULD YOU!

by irondork 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Well it sure has ended up that way. The pope on a rope stuff is killing me.

  • 144001

    Nice, Pams, urologists refer to that situation as "stress incontinence." The pope has no effect on my excretory system, but the jury is out on the pope on a rope. Does peeing in the shower count?

  • thetrueone

    Using a Pope on a rope cleansing bar on your private parts is well just kind of creepy .

    I rather be using a Pamela Anderson cleansing bar ...... uummm ???

    And girls how about a Brad Pitt cleasing bar ..... uummm ???

  • blond-moment

    I'm more old school, I would prefer Cary Grant to Brad Pitt, but yeah, I could go for some Grant action haha.

  • thetrueone

    One advantage to using a Pope on a rope cleansing bar is that it will not only wash away dirt and grim from your body,

    it will also wash away your sins as well, leaving you not only smelling fresh but spiritually clean too, you may never have to

    go to a Church ever again.

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