I agree with having 2 separate accounts on Facebook....I opened one yesterday under the name I am using here. That will be for ex and non JW friends Only... I have only known t.t.a.t.t. since 4/6 and From what I've read don't put anything in writing (under your own name) at all as long as you're still on the inside... I'm in fade mode.
They're spying me on facebook
by cookiemaster 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Witness My Fury
No facebook works just fine for me. never had an account, never want an account. I cant understand the appeal of having people i dont know or even people i do know nosing thru my stuff. -
stan livedeath
i have 2 FB a/cs--my real --private one for family and friends. very few xj's on it--only if they are close friends.
but i also have my xjw a/c--stan livedeath--look me up and add if you want to. hundreds of "friends" on there--most ive never met.
Obama was asked by a college student for his advice on heading toward being a President of the USA. Obamas reply was simple.
"Watch what you put on Facebook".
Me. I am not on it.
I hardly use it and am selective about who I friend on it.
Kate xx
If your asked about the comment, just say your Facebook again was hacked -
Yup I had two accounts too when I was fading. It was really a great way to find old friends who had left the religion! I don't know what I would have done without their support!! Now I hardly go on fb anymore, I've graduuated :) but was pretty heavily addicted for a while.