Laying on their side for 3 days

by exwhyzee 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee

    It's been so long since I was at a meeting that I'm beginning to forget a lot of the nonsense I used to know, but does anyone remember how the Society used to say that when the GB members were imprisioned around 1919 it fullfilled the prophesy about the prophet laying on his side for 3 days in the roadway ?

    What was that all about and how does their belief regarding their role in fulfilling this prophesy effect the new thinking on the definition of "generation" ? It seems like they just had to amend the term "Generation" in order to keep the year 1914 relevant as well as all the other supposed fullfilments of prophesy they thought they were part of. So much of the reason why they think they are the one true religion is based on the date 1914 and the part they play in it's fulfillment.

    Can anyone refresh my memory on this?

  • exwhyzee

    Wow...this must be either a very obscure topic or poorly phrased question....89 hits and not one comment.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I think what OP is refereing to dubs believe that when rutherford and pals were imprisoned in 1918 (or whenever it was) this was in fulfilment of prophesy in revelation where the 2 witnesses were killed, laid in the public square for 3 days and than were resurected.

  • exwhyzee

    Yeah...that's it. They said that their being imprisioned fullfilled that prophecy and this was somehow linked to Satan's ousting from heaven in 1914 I think. Does anyone remember what proof they gave that this was so?

    If they ever do drop the 1914 date they will have to drop a few other teachings that are linked to that date as well.

    Funny how the truth is so difficult to remember.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    My brother in law was laying on his side for 3 days......get a job you bum!! FAcebook is not a job.

  • exwhyzee
    My brother in law was laying on his side for 3 days......get a job you bum!! FAcebook is not a job.

    That's not what I was talking about but thanks for sharing.....LOL !

  • Witness 007
  • Vidqun

    Are you thinking of the prophet Ezekiel? He had to picture the siege of Jerusalem by lying on his side (Ez. 4:1-7). He had to lay on his side for 390 days for Israel and 40 days for Judah. I think in the Ezekiel book they apply it to Christendom. Not sure what the recent explanation is.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    If you would like to read the account yourself here is a link to revelation its grand climax book:


    The info you seek starts on page 170 of the PDF (note this version has no pic's)

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Here is a D/L link with pictures (relevent ch on pg 164.)


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