whenever i talk to a jw when i rarely see one i bri g up the laws in the ot, like raping of virgins in deut being ok and forced to marry the rapist. it seems they just are not aware of these laws or any in depth the history or customs of the ancient jews. is the wts ashamed of the ot and the truth about the jews ?
are jw ashamed of the ot ?
by mP 13 Replies latest jw friends
JW's love the old testament!! That is how they are to worship because the new testament is not written to 99% of them. I think they chalk up those "few" odd stories up to "we cant think we know more than Jehovah!!"
They aren't ashamed of the 'Hebrew Scriptures' at all!
This is the societies attitude:
Genocide? - The damn Caananites et al deserved it.
Slavery, Polygamy? - God was just making allowances for how society was back then.
Marry your rapist? - Well, that was a loving provision because no-one else would have wanted her and she would never have had children otherwise, which was a worse fate than having to marry your rapist.
Stoning apostates? - Shame we can't do that today.
Judah using prositutes? - God hadn't banned it then.
Lot offering his daughters to be raped? - We don't really understand the oriental mind set back than, but it would have been worse for him to violate hospitality principles. Besides 1)he knew the crowd didn't want women 2) he know the angels would save them.
Job losing all his children for someone elses bet? - UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGNTY & DONT ASK QUESTIONS!
Black Sheep
I brought up Jehovah killing babies at Armageddon so that all the happy JWs can have vegetarian lions in their gardens and was told that He had done it before in Noah's day. She seemed to think that might make me see that baby slaughter by her god is OK.
the ot helps the JW's feel like they have an ancient persona when they're a relatively new cult derived from a number of other religions / cults of their day.
Sapphy - that is hilarious - or it would be if it wasn't so true
Room 215
hardly.... they're neo-Judaizers... just check out Blondie's WT summaries and you'll see how often she points out their preference for employing OT over NT examples in their study articles.
Found Sheep
I'm so out of touch didn't know what ot was till I read this. I hated this topic never understood it at all.
Why single out JW's? Christianity overlooks the OT scriptures that don't shed favorable light on their beliefs.
Otherwise, as mentioned, JW's love the OT. They use the OT to justify rigid JW rules.
keyser soze
I would submit that the opposite is true. They are one of the few sects of Christianity who don't run from it. It is one of the few things I actually give JWs some credit for- that they aren't in denial about the god they are worshipping. However, that is offset by the fact that they still deem him worthy of being worshipped.
The whole LIE-ble is something to be embarrassed about believing. The Jews believe that a rapist should only pay 50 ounces of silver (that is 2 1/2 modern tubs of silver) to the father (and nothing to the victim), and the victim should be forced to marry him. If the victim is not Jewish, she gets stoned to death along with the rapist. Justice?
The Jews also believe that homosexuality is a horrible offense, and that homosexuals should be put to death. Now, because the Jews want to protect their right to enslave mankind, it is not "politically correct" to discuss Judaism in such a negative light. However, I am going to throw their "politically correct" rubbish right back in their faces--right in Leviticus, these laws are right there. I bash Judaism, partially because they bash homosexuals (and women). Right in their own Bible!
And that's not all their own Bible does to ruin the Jewish race. What about the law against working the Sabbath? Seems that their law does all it can to create a race of parasites. First, Esau and Jacob. Jacob was the parasite, while Esau was a hard worker. Who was favored? Jacob! The law also mandates putting to death anyone working on the Sabbath, eliminating any industrious Jew that is caught working on the wrong day. They also mandate destroying artifacts--the ones that want to merely steal them (maybe to preserve them for the future?) are also put to death. What happens when you murder all those who are good? You are left with the scum. You eliminate good people from a race, and you get reverse natural selection where only the scum survive to reproduce. As the genes for goodness get weeded out, the scum dominate. That is the only way I know of to get a race of nothing but scum--and it is the Law, written right in the Old Testament, that is responsible for it. I would certainly be ashamed of it.
What about the New Testament? I don't think they are innocent, either. Christians are just as reprehensible--they endorse slavery (the whole of Philemon was about a slave ordered to return to his master). They also bash homosexual people, as 1Corinthians 6:9 so gleefully points out. They condemn women to second class citizenship, and they don't like people defending themselves (that "Turn the other cheek" rubbish). This also means they take abuse, and as they do nothing about it, they take all the more abuse. Again, since the New Testament bashes women and homosexuals and orders people to conform to a uniform standard, I would be just as ashamed of Christi-SCAM-ity as Judaism. Of note, both groups destroy indigenous cultures and force people into their own religion under death or enslavement threats wherever they settle--hence, I am an equal opportunity basher of the religions that do this rubbish.