when did you make convention hotel reservations:"during regular business hours or right after the meeting ended?
by reds 18 Replies latest jw friends
didn't use the list when it was first introduced. I got get a better deal on my own, through other programs. And I thought I was doing other dubs a favor. They always ran out of rooms, so I figured it would help someone else secure a room, if I could get one on my own.
But then they fussed at us for doing that, so we tried to play by the rules. There was only one hotel on the list that I wanted to stay at, so as soon as I confirmed it was on the list, I went to the car and called from the parking lot. We were lucky too because our service mtg was on Tuesday, so we had a two day jump on everyone else in the area (except people informed friends in other congregations and they called before their meeting even).
Then the WTS fixed that by arranging that the hotels would not take reservations before a certain day and time. About that same time, they dropped the one hotel that I was satisfied with from the list. So I went back to reserving my own room at the hotel of my choice.
Never did it. Not even one time. I learned from my dad that nobody...NOBODY has the right to dictate to you. My folks ALWAYS picked a good hotel on their own. If it was on their "Approved List" fine, but many times it was not on the list...LOL... I carried this philosophy with me into my adult life.
I'm in London, so we could drive or take public transport to the DC. I'm surprised that the brothers and sisters actually use the overpriced hotel's 'on the list'. For international conventions I kind of understand it, but really, if you can stay 3 nights for $300 dollars in an approved hotel, or 3 nights for $200 arranged by yourself - who would choose to spend the extra $100? Doesn't make sense to me!
I never had to stay at a hotel because the convention was always in my hometown---10 minutes away. That didn't stop them from reading all the rules about reserving hotels over and over at the meetings. I always thought that was pretty stupid, since any of us could be there in minutes and weren't going to need the info. It always struck me as extremely robotic---on autopilot they spend all this time telling a congregation that doesn't need it how to reserve a hotel.
And I used to be glad that I didn't have to travel, because my stomach would clench when I'd listen to all the rules. My brain would be screaming that it was too much control, and how dare they tell adults how to travel and spend their money. I would block it out so I could carry on in the indoctrinated glaze.
I sometimes think if I had ever been forced to travel, I may have left sooner. That's how much resentment I suppressed over the kindergarten handling.
The last 2years we were in, we called right after the meeting because hotels are a 24 hr. business. I didn't have to feel guilty and we stayed at the hotel that was convienient for us and other family members. October will make 3 years faded from this tremendous lie and we can actually take real vacations now. Best decision I ever made.
I never booked from list. I made my own arrangements and if the property was on the list it was certain I could get the room cheaper.
I was so cheap.
And I used to be glad that I didn't have to travel, because my stomach would clench when I'd listen to all the rules.
Do not drip cereal and milk all over the table and carpet, NC.
They always hounded us to make the reservations right after the list was posted, and most people complied. Of course, some 70% didn't get rooms that time around. They wasted much time and long-distance charges trying to call only to find that all 15 motels were booked solid.
However, I would book my room around the first of April or so. That way, I would get through the first try, spend about 15 minutes and only one long-distance call, and usually it wasn't much more on the motel (sometimes a bit less). These days, I book the best motel room--the one my computer is stationed on. And I get my information right on this forum instead of wasting all those hours in a suit with my embarrassment badge.
Do not drip cereal and milk all over the table and carpet, NC.
Don't change into comfortable clothes, and wear your nametag. Don't forget to tip---and remember you cheap bastards that didn't get an education and permanently live in poverty---breakfast supplied by hotels is meant for consumption on the premises by the people who stay in the room. Don't save some for later. Don't take it for lunch. Don't share it with others.